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Van Gogh's flowers

Vincent van Gogh was a flower fan!
It all began in Paris, where he lived for two years (1886-88).
During his time there, he noticed that flower still lifes sold well.
Some French artists even specialised in painting flower still lifes.
Van Gogh started painting flower still lifes in the hope they would sell well.

Vincent van Gogh | Bouquet of Flowers in a Vase, 1890 | Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Tamara de Lempicka | Russian Dancer, 1924

Russian Dancer was created in 1924 by Tamara de Lempicka (Polish Art Déco painter, 1894-1980).
The painting is part of the Collection of Polish businessman and art collector Marek Roefler/ Villa la Fleur, Konstancin-Jeziorna, Poland.
Russian Dancer, posthumously titled in reference to the Ballets Russes - the troupe founded by Serge Diaghilev, which took Paris by storm in the 1910s and 1920s with its innovative choreography and gleaming costumes and sets designed by Russian artists-portrays a woman dressed in folk attire from southern Russia.

Tamara de Lempicka | Russian Dancer, 1924

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Louis Aragon | Non esistono amori felici / There is no happy love, 1943

Nulla appartiene all’uomo. Né la sua forza
Né la sua debolezza né il suo cuore E quando crede
Di aprire le braccia la sua ombra è quella di una croce
E quando crede di stringere la felicità la stritola
La sua vita è uno strano e doloroso divorzio
Non esistono amori felici.

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Charles Baudelaire | Inno alla bellezza / Hymn to Beauty

Vieni dal cielo profondo o esci dall’abisso,
Bellezza? Il tuo sguardo, divino e infernale,
dispensa alla rinfusa il sollievo e il crimine,
ed in questo puoi essere paragonata al vino.

Daniel Gerhartz | Green velvet

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60 meraviglie d'Italia, patrimonio dell'Umanità | Pagina 8

Di seguito la ottava pagina dei 60 siti Italiani, Patrimonio dell'Umanità
(in ordine alfabetico)

Sacri Monti del Piemonte e della Lombardia
9 beni in 2 regioni
Anno di ammissione: 2003

I nove Sacri Monti nel Nord Italia sono gruppi di cappelle e altri elementi architettonici realizzati tra XVI e i XVII secolo e dedicati a diversi aspetti della fede cristiana.

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Giuseppe Modica, 1953 | Metaphysical painter

Giuseppe Modica, born in Mazara del Vallo (TP- Italy), is among the main exponents of Italian Metaphysical painting in the second half of the twentieth century.
He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.
In 1986 he moved to Rome, where he currently lives and works and holds the chair of painting at the Academy of Fine Arts.
Author "metaphysically new" (D. Micacchi), he occupies a very specific place in contemporary artistic culture.

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60 meraviglie d'Italia, patrimonio dell'Umanità | Pagina 9

Di seguito la nona pagina dei 60 siti Italiani, Patrimonio dell'Umanità
(in ordine alfabetico)

Villa Adriana
Lazio, Tivoli (RM)
Anno di ammissione: 1999

Villa Adriana a Tivoli è un eccezionale complesso di edifici classici, creato nel II secolo dall'imperatore romano Adriano.

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Claude Debussy / Paul Verlaine | Clair de Lune, 1869

Clair de Lune is a French poem written by Paul Verlaine (French poet associated with the Symbolist movement and the Decadent movement, 1844-1896) in 1869.
It is the inspiration for the third and most famous movement of Debussy's 1890 Suite bergamasque of the same name.
The poem has also been set to music by Gabriel Fauré.

Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer | Sérénade au clair de lune, Venise | Christie's