Not only is Bob Dylan one of the most iconic musicians of the modern era, a filmmaker and a best-selling author, he is also a painter, a sculptor since the 1960s.
Dylan has been awarded America’s Presidential Medal of Freedom, the National Medal of Arts, the Pulitzer Prize, Sweden’s Polar Music Prize and France’s Officer de la Legion d’honneur.
Mary Moser RA (1744-1819) was an British painter and one of the most celebrated female artists of 18th-century Britain.
One of only two female founding members of the Royal Academy in 1768 (along with Angelica Kauffmann), Moser painted portraits but is particularly noted for her depictions of flowers.
Hector Caffieri (1847-1932) was a British watercolourist painter, born in Cheltenham Gloucestershire in England, son of French parents who had settled temporarily in England.
Romanian art consists of the visual and plastic arts (including Romanian architecture, woodwork, textiles and ceramics) originating from the geographical area of Romania.
The production of art in Romania is as old as the Paleolithic, an example being a cave painting from the Cuciulat Cave (Sălaj County).
During the Neolithic, multiple cultures lived on the modern territory of Romania.
Their material culture included pottery and abstract clay statuettes decorated with geometric patterns.
These may give hints on the way these civilizations used to dress and maybe tattoo.
In her paintings, Tracey Sylvester Harris presents a dazzling aqueous vision that merges the past with the present.
Aptly called "Sunshine Noir", T.S. Harris’ paintings speak to the central issues of human existence - desire and loss, impermanence and beauty, and the many dimensions of our connections with others.
Inspired by snapshots and film stills from the mid-century, the paintings are colorful yet bittersweet, depicting fleeting moments captured almost a lifetime ago.