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Maria Sibylla Merian | Baroque Era Illustrator

Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717) was a German naturalist and scientific illustrator.
She was one of the earliest European naturalists to observe insects directly. Merian was a descendant of the Frankfurt branch of the Swiss Merian family.
Merian received her artistic training from her stepfather, Jacob Marrel, a student of the still life painter Georg Flegel.
Merian published her first book of natural illustrations in 1675.

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Elga Sesemann | Expressionist painter

Elga Sesemann (March 28, 1922 - January 21, 2007) was a Finnish post-war neo-romantic painter.
She was an expressionist whose themes often included melancholy, depression, anxiety and loneliness.
Sesemann was born in Viipuri (Vyborg) on the Karelian Isthmus.
Sesemann's family is of German origin and grew up speaking German and Russian.

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Pablo Neruda | Ode al primo giorno dell’anno / Ode to the First Day of the Year

Lo distinguiamo dagli altri
come se fosse un cavallino
diverso da tutti i cavalli.

Gli adorniamo la fronte
con un nastro,
gli posiamo sul collo sonagli colorati,

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Karl Feiertag | Genre painter

Karl Holiday (1874, Vienna - 1944, Weidling) was an Austrian painter.
Karl Urlaub studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna with Franz Rumpler, Kasimir Pochwalski and Josef Mathias Trenkwald.
He worked in Vienna and Munich for various advertising companies and moved to Weidling with his wife.

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Luigi Pirandello | Sogno di Natale, 1896

Sentivo da un pezzo sul capo inchinato tra le braccia come l'impressione d'una mano lieve, in atto tra di carezza e di protezione. Ma l'anima mia era lontana, errante pei luoghi veduti fin dalla fanciullezza, dei quali mi spirava ancor dentro il sentimento, non tanto però che bastasse al bisogno che provavo di rivivere, fors'anche per un minuto, la vita come immaginavo si dovesse in quel punto svolgere in essi.

Era festa dovunque: in ogni chiesa, in ogni casa: intorno al ceppo, lassù; innanzi a un Presepe, laggiù; noti volti tra ignoti riuniti in lieta cena; eran canti sacri, suoni di zampogne, gridi di fanciulli esultanti, contese di giocatori. . . E le vie delle città grandi e piccole, dei villaggi, dei borghi alpestri o marini, eran deserte nella rigida notte. E mi pareva di andar frettoloso per quelle vie, da questa casa a quella, per godere della raccolta festa degli altri; mi trattenevo un poco in ognuna, poi auguravo:

- Buon Natale - e sparivo. . .

Tiziano Vecellio | La Madonna di San Niccolò dei Frari, 1533-1535

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Salvatore Quasimodo | Natale / Christmas

Natale. Guardo il presepe scolpito,
dove sono i pastori appena giunti
alla povera stalla di Betlemme.

Anche i Re Magi nelle lunghe vesti
salutano il potente Re del mondo.

Jacopo Tintoretto | The Madonna of the Stars, c. 1575-1585 | National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

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Ellen Thesleff | Expressionist painter

Ellen Thesleff (5 October 1869 - 12 January 1954) was an expressionist Finnish painter, regarded as one of the leading Finnish modernist painters.
Thesleff was born in Helsinki, the eldest daughter of five siblings and her father was an amateur painter.
She took private lessons and then, in 1887, studied for two years at the Finnish Art Society Drawing School (now known as the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts) with Gunnar Berndtson.

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Harriet Backer | Impressionist painter

Biography from: Nasjonalmuseet, Oslo, Norvegia

Harriet Backer inspired a new generation of artists.

In Backer’s family, art and culture were part of how the children were raised.
Her older sister Agathe was musically gifted and wanted to become a pianist.
She had to go abroad to learn, and Harriet became her sister's traveling companion.