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August von Kaulbach | Portrait / History painter

Friedrich August von Kaulbach (1850-1920) was a German portraitist and historical painter.
He was born to a family that included several well known artists and began his studies with his father, Friedrich Kaulbach.
He then attended the Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg, where he studied with August von Kreling and Karl Raupp.

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Ibrahim Kodra | Post-cubist painter

Ibrahim Likmetaj Kodra (22 April 1918 - 7 February 2006) was an Albanian painter.
Kodra was born in Ishëm (Ishmi), Albania, son of Murat and Xhixhe.
His mother died when he was young, and he did not receive adequate treatment from his stepmother.
His father was working in the Commercial Marine.
Ibrahim took art classes from Odhise Paskali during 1929, focusing on sport as well.

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Livio Možina, 1941 | Realist painter

Livio Možina is an Italian painter, born in Trieste. He started painting at the age of 28 as an autodidact, and in 1971 he held his first solo exhibition.
He concentrated in particular on still life and landscapes.
His experience is very personal and has its roots in hyperrealism.

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Le visioni poetiche della natura di Peder Mønsted

Nato alla fine dell'"Età dell'oro" (1800-1860) della pittura danese, Peder Mork Mønsted (1859-1941) si è fatto una reputazione principalmente come paesaggista naturalista, ammirato soprattutto per il suo punto di vista poetico.
La sua prima formazione artistica è stata alla Prince Ferdinand School of Art di Aarhus, in Danimarca, dove ha studiato con il paesaggista Andreas Fritz, che ha influenzato lo sviluppo del giovane artista.
Mønsted è poi entrato all'Accademia di Copenaghen nel 1875, ma se ne è andato nel 1879 senza sostenere l'esame finale, scegliendo invece di continuare i suoi studi in modo indipendente con artisti affermati, tra cui il pittore di genere e paesaggista realista danese Peder Severin Krøyer e dil pittore accademico francese William-Adolphe Bouguereau.

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Kristian Zahrtmann | Naturalist painter

Peder Henrik Kristian Zahrtmann, known as Kristian Zahrtmann (1843-1917) was a Danish painter.
He was a part of the Danish artistic generation in the late 19th century, along with Peder Severin Krøyer and Theodor Esbern Philipsen, who broke away from both the strictures of traditional Academicism and the heritage of the Golden Age of Danish Painting, in favor of naturalism and realism.
He was known especially for his history paintings, and especially those depicting strong, tragic, legendary women in Danish history.
He also produced works of many other genres including landscapes, street scenes, folk scenes and portraits.

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Christen Dalsgaard | Genre painter

Christen Dalsgaard (1824-1907) was a Danish painter, a late student of Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg.

Early life and education

Christen Dalsgaard was born on 30 October 1824. He was the son of the owner of the estate, Krabbesholm Manor, located near Skive in Jutland.
He showed early signs of artistic talent, and received training as a craft painter. In the spring of 1841 Niels Rademacher, a visiting landscape painter, encouraged the young artist and convinced his parents of their son's talent.

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Frederik Vermehren | Genre painter

Johan Frederik (Frits) Nikolai Vermehren, also known as Frederik Vermehren (1823-1910), a genre and portrait painter in the realist style.
His artistic career took place during the period of Danish art known as the Golden Age of Danish Painting.
Vermehren, along with his fellow artists Christen Dalsgaard (1824-1907) and Julius Exner (1825-1910), were prominent in the Danish genre of painting; they depicted ordinary people of the country, especially farmers and other country folk.
His idealised depictions helped define and encourage Denmark's period of national romanticism.

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Jacob Vrel | Dutch Golden Age painter

Jacob Vrel (1630–1680) was a Dutch, Flemish, or Westphalian painter of interiors and urban street scenes during the Dutch Golden Age (1588-1672). He was active from 1654-1662.
Jacob Vrel is also referred to as Jan instead of Jacob(us); alternative spellings of his surname are Frel, Frelle, Vreele, Vrelle and Vriel.
Though Vrel's birthplace is unknown, scholars consider him a Dutch artist.
He is considered to have worked in Delft and Haarlem.