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Sherree Valentine Daines, 1956 | Ballet dancers

Ngwe Phyoe, 1989 | Drip painter
Burmese/Myanmar visual artist Ngwe Phyoe (born in Yangon, Myanmar) has held 10 solo exhibitions, including two art shows in Singapore and one in Hong Kong.
A graduate of the State School of Fine Arts in Yangon, Ngwe Phyoe started painting in the realism style but soon adopted his signature drip paint technique, a form of abstract art in which paint is dripped or poured on to the canvas.
This style of action painting was experimented with in the first half of the twentieth century by such artists as Francis Picabia, André Masson and Max Ernst, who employed drip painting in his works "The Bewildered Planet" and "Young Man Intrigued by the Flight of a Non-Euclidean Fly" (1942).
Ernst used the novel means of painting Lissajous figures by swinging a punctured bucket of paint over a horizontal canvas.
In his paintings, Ngwe Phyoe focuses on capturing Myanmar’s unique landscape and people.
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L'artista Birmano Ngwe Phyoe (nato in Yangon, Myanmar) ha tenuto 10 mostre personali, comprese due mostre d'arte a Singapore e Hong Kong.
Laureato allo State School of Fine Arts di Yangon, Ngwe Phyoe ha iniziato a dipingere nello stile del realismo, ma presto, per creare dipinti realisti ha adottato la sua tipica tecnica di pittura dripping, una tecnica pittorica caratteristica dell'action painting americana elaborato nella sua forma più tipica alla fine degli anni quaranta da Jackson Pollock.
Il dripping trae liberamente spunto dalla cosiddetta "scrittura automatica" surrealista: il colore (non olio, ma smalto opaco o vernici industriali usate per la prima volta proprio da Pollock intorno al 1947) viene lasciato sgocciolare sulla tela distesa per terra da un contenitore bucherellato o schizzato direttamente con le mani mediante l'uso di bastoni o pennelli.
Più tardi, tra gli anni cinquanta e gli anni sessanta, il dripping verrà largamente impiegato nell'ambito di tutti i movimenti europei di stile informale.
Nei suoi dipinti, Ngwe Phyoe si concentra sulla cattura del paesaggio e delle persone del Myanmar.

Jung Sook Hyun, 1961 | Watercolor painter
Artist Jung Sook Hyun with a Graduate Masters in Fine Art in Korea, has exhibited her paintings all over the world.
Jung Sook Hyun has been Artist since her high school year and she's been very active in the area with her exhibitions.
She currently lives and works in Fullerton, California.
Jung Sook Hyun captures snapshot of the California countryside with her delicate Watercolor and Oil Paintings.
Micko Art
Micko is the nickname of the professional painter Miodrag. Micko is a self taught artist.
Micko was born in Serbia, in an industrial town close to Belgrade. After graduating in electrical engineering from Nikola Tesla Institute, he soon found himself in a profession which was no way suited to his personality.
"I was a dreamer living in a world of restrictions and rules where creativity and artistic beauty did not exist. The only picture in my head read 'high voltage dangerous to life' and only five colours existed". There must have been something more...
He first sketches out the scene with pencil and brush, and then adds a combination of acrylic and impasto gel with a palette knife layer upon layer within each scene to get the final, textured effect.

Diego Velázquez | Italian period
In 1629, Spanish painter Diego RodrÃguez de Silva y Velázquez (1599-1660) was given permission to spend a year and a half in Italy.
Though this first visit is recognized as a crucial chapter in the development of his style - and in the history of Spanish Royal Patronage, since Philip IV sponsored his trip - few details and specifics are known of what the painter saw, whom he met, how he was perceived and what innovations he hoped to introduce into his painting.
He traveled to Venice, Ferrara, Cento, Loreto, Bologna, and Rome.

Philip Wilson Steer | The Bridge, 1887
Artist: Philip Wilson Steer (1860-1942)
Medium: Oil paint on canvas;
Dimensions: Support: 495 × 655 × 20 mm / frame: 639 × 803 × 89 mm;
Collection: Tate;
Acquisition: Purchased 1941.
This picture was strongly attacked by the critics when it was first exhibited in 1887, and dismissed by one as 'either a deliberate daub or so much mere midsummer madness'.
Steer considered giving up painting in the wake of this disapproval.

Giorgio Vasari | Vita di Sandro Botticello - Pittor Fiorentino
Ne’ medesimi tempi del Magnifico Lorenzo Vecchio de’ Medici, che fu veramente per le persone d’ingegno un secol d’oro, fiorì ancora Alessandro, chiamato a l’uso nostro Sandro e detto di Botticello per la cagione che appresso vedremo.
Costui fu figliuolo di Mariano Filipepi, cittadino fiorentino dal quale diligentemente allevato e fatto instruire in tutte quelle cose che usanza è di insegnarsi a’ fanciulli in quella età , prima che e’ si ponghino a le botteghe, ancora che agevolmente apprendesse tutto quello che e’ voleva, era nientedimanco inquieto sempre; né si contentava di scuola alcuna, di leggere, di scrivere o di abbaco; di maniera che il padre infastidito di questo cervello sì stravagante, per disperato lo pose a lo orefice con un suo compare chiamato Botticello, assai competente maestro allora in quell’arte.
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