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India | Ancient Art History

Each era is unique in its distinctive culture. In the same way Indian art forms have continuously evolved over thousands of years.
In ancient India, various art forms like paintings, architecture and sculpture evolved.
The history of art in ancient India begins with prehistoric rock paintings.
Such rock paintings can be seen in the Bhimbetaka paintings, belonging to the prehistoric age.
Thereafter, an advanced town planning is seen in Harappa and Mohenjodaro, with their centrally planned cities indicating a highly developed architecture.
Another remarkable example of sculpture from Harappan civilization comes in the form of the dancing girl from Mohenjodaro.

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Jackie Morris, 1961 | Children's book Illustrator

Jackie Morris is a British🎨 writer and illustrator. She was shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal🎨 in 2016 and won it in 2019 for her illustration of "The Lost Words", voted the most beautiful book of 2016 by UK booksellers.
"I was born in Birmingham and lived there until at the age of four my parents moved away to Evesham. Here I grew up and remember little of those times. I do know that from at least the age of six I wanted to be an artist.
I watched my dad drawing a picture of a lapwing, making a bird appear on a piece of paper using only a pencil, and I thought it was some magic that made this happen. So there and then I decided to learn how to conjure birds from paper and colour.
I went to school in Evesham to Prince Henry's High School and I remember walking to school past shop fronts above which elegant buildings grew. I used to get told off at school for drawing and dreaming. Now I get paid to do both".

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Vala Ola, 1962 | Figurative sculptor

Vala Ola was born and raised in Iceland. She has lived in the US since 1994. After 8 years in Santa Fe, NM, she relocated to Arizona.
Vala Ola's artistic talent was apparent at age 4, and from the age of thirteen she attended classes drawing models from life.
Graduating from the College of Hamrahlid, she furthered her studies at the Icelandic College of the Arts, and later graduated from The Arts Institute in Bournemouth, England.

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Damian Lechoszest, 1976 | Genre painter

Polish painter🎨 Damian Lechoszest was born in Raciborz. At first his great interest was drawing. From the early childhood he liked to copy various characters of comics and fairy tales.
His childish sketches were so good that many people from his nearest neighborhood were very astonished.
At the first school years he took part in many artistic high-level competitions. His artistic works were often rewarded and got good opinions of critics.

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George Tooker | Magic realism painter

George Clair Tooker, Jr., American painter (born Aug. 5, 1920, Brooklyn, N.Y. - died March 27, 2011, Hartland, Vt.), created luminous canvasses of social significance that echoed themes of love, death, grief, alienation, aging, isolation and faith.
Tooker’s egg-tempera paintings depicted eerie and haunting situations with mythic overtones. Some of his most chilling offerings include Children and Spastics (1946), sadists bullying three effeminate men; Subway (1950), harried commuters congregating with strangers; The Waiting Room (1957), seemingly catatonic patrons biding their time; and Landscape with Figures (1965-66), the heads of office workers bobbing above a maze of cubicles.

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Edna St. Vincent Millay | Love is not blind / L'amore non è cieco

Vincent van Gogh🎨 | The starry night, 1888

Love is not blind. I see with single eye
Your ugliness and other women's grace.
I know the imperfection of your face, -
The eyes too wide apart, the brow too high
For beauty. Learned from earliest youth am I
In loveliness, and cannot so erase
Its letters from my mind, that I may trace
You faultless, I must love until I die.

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David Martiashvili, 1978 | Naif painter

Artist at the third generation, David Martiashvili was born in in Tbilisi, Georgia.
He graduated from the "School of the Arts" for gifted children, then - Tbilisi Art Academy.
The artist works in the style of primitivism, with colorful Georgian overtones.
Aesthetics of the school creatively rethought their conscious and became motivated to find new means of expression.

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Nancy Guzik, 1944 | Impressionist painter

American painter🎨 Nancy studied at The American Academy of Art in Chicago and The Lyme Academy of Fine Art in Old Lyme, Connecticut. However, it was her close association and ensuing relationship with Richard Schmid🎨, that brought her painting to its full potential. Nancy and Richard married in April of 1998.
Her art has been recognized with many awards🎨, including the 2007 Award of Excellence by the Women Artist of the West, Grand Prize from International Artist Magazine, three Gold Medals from the Palette and Chisel Academy, and First Prize from the Midwest Pastel Society.