- By painting colors and lines and forms seen in quickened mood I was seeking to make this mood vibrate as a phonograph does. This was the origin of the paintings in The Frieze of Life.
- Attraverso l'arte cerco di vedere chiaro nella mia relazione con il mondo, e se possibile aiutare anche chi osserva le mie opere a capirle, a guardarsi dentro.
- To die is as if one's eyes had been put out and one cannot see anything any more. Perhaps it is like being shut in a cellar. One is abandoned by all. They have slammed the door and are gone. One does not see anything and notices only the damp smell of putrefaction.
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Edvard Munch | Paintings and Quotes
Patrice Murciano, 1969 | Pop painter / Sculptor
Patrice Murciano🎨, French painter and sculptor was born in Belfort, France. He moved to Montpellier from an early age.
Passion for art early on, it starts reproducing the characters of comics from the age of 6 years, he then goes on to paint his early muses, who at the time of fashion magazine models, to the age of 8 with the makeup of his mother that rests on the rollers to the attic abandoned to tapestry.
Mark Twain (1835-1910) | Quotes / Aforismi
- "Books are for people who wish they were somewhere else".
- "I libri sono per le persone che desiderano essere altrove".
- "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear".
- "Il coraggio è resistenza alla paura, padronanza della paura, non assenza della paura".
- "Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it".
- "Il perdono è la fragranza che la viola sparge sul tallone che l'ha schiacciata".
Marcel Nino Pajot, 1945 | Alla ricerca di Don Quichotte..
Fin da bambino l'artista Francese Marcel Nino Pajot ha sviluppato le sue abilità nel disegno.
È un regalo di sua madre, Reine Pajot-Védry, anche lei artista, che ha realizzato sculture straordinarie.
Come artista autodidatta, Pajot ha migliorato le sue capacità di dipingere fianco a fianco con altri artisti.
Li ha conosciuti alla Beaux-Arts Society del Perigord, in Francia.
È stata fondata nel 1978 da Jean-Daniel Ribeyrol e Paul-André Enard, due pittori.
Mexican Art History and Sitemap
Various types of visual arts developed in the geographical area now known as Mexico.
The development of these arts roughly follows the history of Mexico, divided into the pre hispanic Mesoamerican era, the colonial period, with the period after Mexican War of Independence, the development Mexican national identity through art in the nineteenth century, and the florescence of modern Mexican art after the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920).
Frida Kahlo | Quotes /Aforismi
- "Il surrealismo è la magica sorpresa di trovare un leone in quell’armadio in cui si voleva prendere una camicia".
- "Surrealism is the magical surprise of finding a lion in a wardrobe, where you were 'sure' of finding shirts".
- "La belleza y la fealdad son un espejismo, porque los demás terminan viendo nuestro interior.
- "Beauty and ugliness are a mirage because others end up seeing our interior".
- "Bellezza e bruttezza sono un miraggio perché gli altri finiscono per vedere la nostra interiorità".
Julee Simmons | Figurative painter
JuLee Simmons began painting in oils more than thirty years ago, at the age of ten. That discovery unleashed a passion which has animated her life to the present day.
"Sometimes I wish I could make art like I did when I was young", JuLee recalls.
"There were no mistakes then. A bad drawing of a cow could turn into a pig. Now my work is more of a struggle. It takes a lot of insight and patience to make that mark on the paper deliberate and profound".
Miomir Badzic | Ballet dancers
Badžić Miomir is an Serbian artist, known for working in classical and realistic style. Do not give preference to any one genre, among his works can be found portraits, landscapes, still lifes...
Some time ago, he wrote to order several paintings replica on a historical theme for one of the Serbian museums. Currently the artist lives and works in the United States.
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