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Vittorio Matteo Corcos (1859-1933) | Genre painter

Italian painter🎨 Vittorio Matteo Corcos was  known for genre works🎨 depict winsome and finely dressed young men and women, in moments of repose and recreation.
Born on October 4, 1859 in Livorno, Italy, he studied drawing and painting at the Academia di Belle Arti in Florence under Enrico Pollastrini.
Between 1881-1886, he frequently exhibited at the Salon.
His works are held in the collections of the Uffizi in Florence and the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna in Rome.

Il pittore italiano🎨 Vittorio Matteo Corcos è noto per le opere di genere🎨 che raffigurano giovani uomini e donne attraenti e finemente vestiti, in momenti di riposo e svago.
Nato il 4 ottobre 1859 a Livorno, in Italia, ha studiato disegno e pittura all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze con Enrico Pollastrini.
Tra il 1881 e il 1886 espose frequentemente al Salon. Le sue opere sono conservate nelle collezioni degli Uffizi di Firenze e della Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna di Roma.

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Joan Marti Aragones (1936-2009) | Figurative / Genre painter

Joan Marti 1936-2009 | Spanish Figurative painter

Spanish painter🎨 Joan Marti Aragonés is one of the most important artists in Spain. Born in Barcelona, he began his artistic studies in 1950.
His artistic talent was developed and perfected first at the Academia de Valls and later at the Escuela de Bellas Artes de Sant Jordi in Barcelona. He studied with such renowned teachers as Nolase Valols, E. Santasusagna and Garcia Morales.
He held his first exhibition at Galeria Atenea in 1959 in Barcelona. He is one of the official portrait artists of the King of Spain, Juan Carlos I.

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Eduardo Naranjo, 1944 | Neorealist /Surrealist painter

Eduardo Naranjo, one of the great Spanish painters, was born in 1944 in Monastery (Badajoz).
Meet in 1957 his master Eduardo Acosta and joins the School of Arts and Crafts, where he studied until 1960.
That same year he entered the School of Fine Arts of St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
In 1961 he moved to study at the Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid, and that is where their education ends with paint.

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Paulo Coelho | Il Gioco degli Dei... / The Game of the Gods

Gli Dei lanciano i dadi, ma non domandano se vogliamo partecipare al gioco.
Non vogliono sapere se hai lasciato un uomo, una casa, un lavoro, una carriera, un sogno.
Gli dei non badano al fatto che tu vuoi avere una vita in cui ogni cosa sia al proprio posto,
in cui ogni desiderio si possa esaudire con il lavoro e la pertinacia.

Thor Lindeneg - Danish Surrealist painter

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Kei Mieno 三重野慶, 1985 | Realist painter

Kei Mieno is a Japanese artist born in Hiroshima who has been painting professionally for more than 10 years already.
In 2007 Mieno graduating from Hiroshima City University - Faculty of Arts, Department of Fine Arts, Department of Oil Painting.
This painter specializes in hyperrealism, and mostly uses oil paint to create his masterpieces.

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Claudio Bravo Camus' 83rd Birthday

Google decided to remember this Friday, November 8, the Chilean painter Claudio Bravo Camus.
This date corresponds to the birthday of the remembered artist, who would turn 83 today. Although he died in 2011, his legacy is still present in the art world.
Claudio Bravo, -Claudio Nelson Bravo Camus- (born Nov. 8, 1936, Valparaíso, Chile - died June 4, 2011, Taroudant, Mor.), initially established himself as a society portrait painter in Chile and Spain, but he became better known for his vibrant still lifes of such everyday items as packages, crumpled paper and draped fabric.

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Henri Fantin-Latour interprets Schumann, Wagner, Brahms and Berlioz

In the 1870s, Henri Fantin-Latour's (French painter and lithographer, 1836-1904) work shifted towards more literary themes that connected him with Symbolism.
In parallel with this development, his works reflected his discovery of the German contemporary music of Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, Richard Wagner and Hector Berlioz which also provided him with a source of inspiration.

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Joan Miró: "I painted in a frenzy.."

"You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again. You can also look at the picture for a second and think of it all your life".
"Puoi guardare una pittura per una settimana e non pensarci mai più. Puoi anche guardare una pittura per un secondo e pensarci per tutta la vita".

"If you have any notion of where you are going, you will never get anywhere".
"Se hai idea di dove stai andando, non arriverai mai da nessuna parte".