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Ognian Kuzmanov, 1979 | Abstract painter

Ognian Kuzmanov/Огнян Кузманов is an Bulgarian professional artist who lives and works in Pleven, Bulgaria.
He has made many exhibitions in Europe: in France, Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Cheh Republic, Marocco, Serbia and Bulgaria.
Many of his art works are possession of different european private collectors.
He's also shown his artworks in the USA, Canada, Australia and Asia.
He paints mostly portraits, seascapes and abstracts in oil. His works nave been collected all around the world.

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Henri Fantin-Latour | The Anniversary (Homage to Hector Berlioz) 1877

Henri Fantin-Latour (French painter🎨, 1836-1904) underwent a striking evolution over the course of his career, starting out as a member of the Realist avant-garde before creating anti-Realist, fantastic compositions in the 1870s.
This masterful pastel honoring the late French Romantic composer Hector Berlioz is part of the proto-Symbolist “imaginative projects” developed by Fantin-Latour around 1875. | © The Art Institute of Chicago

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Albert Edelfelt | Academic / Genre painter

Albert Gustaf Aristides Edelfelt (1854-1905) was a Finnish painter. He lived in Grand Duchy of Finland and made Finnish culture visible abroad, before Finland gained full independence.


Edelfelt was born in Porvoo, son of Carl Albert Edelfelt, an architect, and Alexandra Edelfelt, née Brandt. His parents were Swedish-speaking Finns. He began his formal studies of art in 1869 at the Drawing School of the Finnish Art Society, and continued as a student of Adolf von Becker (1871-73).

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Vladimir Pervuninsky, 1957 | The Viennese Waltz

Vladimir Pervuninsky / Владимир Первунинский was born in the Russian town of Chelyabinsk. Recognized at an early age for his artistic talent, he went on to attend the Omsk Pedagogical Institute, where he majored in painting and graphics.
Vladimir, in search of a more focused and complete training, set off for Moscow, where he was accepted into the acclaimed V.I. Surikov Moscow State Art College. There, he studied under the tutelage of the well-known academician D.M. Mochalsky.
Vladimir, always, was fascinated by Impressionism and Belle Epoque painting, the strict curriculum of the Soviet Ministry of Culture allowed no latitude for students or instructors to stray from the state sanctioned style of Socialist Realism.

Despite these restrictions to his personal style, Vladimir’s work flourished under the Soviet System and he gained entry to the Union of Artists, the official Soviet umbrella system.
With the Union, he participated in All-Union, Republic, and Moscow exhibitions, as well as the Urals Exhibition in the town of Kurgan in 1992, the exhibition "Landscape of Russia" in 1989, and the "Memorials of the Motherland" exhibition of 1990-1991.
During the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Vladimir took advantage of the loosening regulations on travel and went to Paris. There, he was exposed to a wider variety and more expressive type of painting than he had experienced in Russia.
Over time, he incorporated a more gay, light Salon style to his compositions, using the works of the La Belle Epoque painters of the turn of the century for inspiration.

His work was very well received in Paris and throughout Europe, and Vladimir began to exhibit and sell his paintings in the annual Parisian art auctions at Arcole.
He now enjoys enormous popularity in Europe, and particularly Vienna, where the artist resides.​
Vladimir’s paintings executed in an Impressionist manner, call to mind eras past.
His paintings engage the viewer in scenes from the last century, and transport one to the streets of Old Moscow, the rivers cafes of turn-of-the-century France, and the Grand Balls of nineteenth century Vienna. His use of color and light creates paintings of an unusual and rare beauty.
His works can be found in private collections throughout Russia, Europe and America.

Vladimir Pervuninsky / Владимир Первунинский è nato nella città russa di Chelyabinsk.
Riconosciuto in tenera età per il suo talento artistico, ha continuato a frequentare l'Istituto pedagogico di Omsk, dove si è specializzato in pittura e grafica.
Vladimir, alla ricerca di un addestramento più mirato e completo, partì per Mosca, dove fu accettato nell'acclamato V.I. Surikov Moscow State Art College. Lì, ha studiato sotto la guida del noto accademico D.M. Mochalsky.
Vladimir, da sempre, era affascinato dall'impressionismo e dalla pittura di Belle Epoque, il rigoroso curriculum del Ministero della Cultura sovietico non consentiva a nessuno studente o istruttore di lasciare spazio allo stile sanzionato dallo stato del realismo socialista.
Durante lo scioglimento dell'Unione Sovietica, Vladimir approfittò delle allentati normative sui viaggi ed andò a Parigi. Lì, fu esposto ad una varietà più ampia ed un tipo di pittura più espressiva di quanto avesse sperimentato in Russia.
Il suo lavoro è stato accolto molto bene a Parigi e in tutta Europa, e Vladimir inizia ad esporre e vendere i suoi dipinti nelle aste d'arte parigine annuali ad Arcole.
Ora gode di enorme popolarità in Europa, ed in particolare a Vienna, dove risiede l'artista.
I dipinti di Vladimir eseguiti in maniera impressionista, ricordano il passato.
I suoi dipinti coinvolgono lo spettatore in scene del secolo scorso e ne trasportano uno per le strade della vecchia Mosca, i caffè dei fiumi della Francia di inizio secolo e le Grand Ball della Vienna del XIX secolo.
Il suo uso del colore e della luce crea dipinti di una bellezza insolita e rara. Le sue opere sono presenti in collezioni private in Russia, Europa ed America.

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Francesco Trevisani (1656-1746) | Rococo painter

Francesco Trevisani was an Italian painter🎨, active in the period called either early Rococo or late Baroque (barochetto).
Born in Capodistria, Istria (modern Koper now in Slovenia, then part of the Republic of Venice), he was the son of Antonio Trevisani, an architect, by whom he was instructed in the first rudiments of design. He then studied in Venice under Antonio Zanchi.
He moved to Rome, where he remained until his death, in 1746. His brother, Angelo Trevisani remained a prominent painter in Venice.

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Nicola Simbari | Pittore Astratto

Nicola Simbari (13 luglio 1927 - 11 dicembre 2012) è stato un pittore Italiano. Le opere di Simbari sono caratterizzate da strisce di colori pastello brillanti per formare rappresentazioni stilizzate di persone e luoghi.
Nicola Simbari è nato a San Lucido, in Calabria e cresciuto a Roma, dove suo padre era architetto per il Vaticano. Studia all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma e negli anni '40 inizia a dedicarsi alla pittura in uno studio di via del Babuino nel centro di Roma.
La prima esposizione di Simbari al mondo dell'architettura ebbe un'impressione duratura sulla sua arte, poiché incorporò forme geometriche e strutture architettoniche in quasi tutti i suoi dipinti.

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Gabriel Metsu (Baroque painter, 1629-1667)

Gabriel Metsu, Metsu also spelled Metzu was a Dutch painter of scenes of everyday life who was best known for his use of the window format to frame his subjects.
Metsu was the son of a painter and tapestry designer who died before Metsu was born.
He was raised in Leiden by his mother, a midwife, and later also by a stepfather.

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Antonello da Messina | Renaissance painter

Antonello da Messina, (1430, Messina, Sicily - February 19, 1479, Messina), painter who probably introduced oil painting and Flemish pictorial techniques into mid-15th-century Venetian art.
His practice of building form with colour rather than line and shade greatly influenced the subsequent development of Venetian painting.
Little is known of Antonello’s early life, but it is clear that he was trained in Naples, then a cosmopolitan art centre, where he studied the work of Provençal and Flemish artists, possibly even that of Jan van Eyck.