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Gurbuz Dogan Eksioglu, 1954 | Surrealist painter

Gürbüz Doğan Ekşioğlu was born in Mesudiye in Ordu Province, Turkey. He studied graphics at the State College of Fine Arts in İstanbul named Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts today, where he is still teaching as an assistant professor.
He has been drawing cartoons since 1977 and holds a total of 64 awards, 23 of which are international.

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Louis Valtat | Fauve painter

Louis Valtat (1869-1952) was born in Dieppe. He studied at le Lycée Hoche in Versailles where his parents lived. In 1886, when he was 17 years old, he applied for admission at the Ecole des Beaux Arts and completed his training at the Académie Julian where he made friends with Albert André and Pierre Bonnard.
In 1890, he won the Jauvin d’Attainville prize; he then set up his workshop at rue de La Glacière in Paris.
In 1893, he took part in the Salon des Artistes Indépendants for the first time. His paintings covered one main theme: the life in the neighbouring streets such as “Sur le boulevard” which Félix Fénéon duly noted.

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George Inness (1825-1894)

George Inness seated in his studio Smithsonian Institution

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Michail Lermontov | Il Demone, 1829 | Prima parte

Michail Jur'evič Lermontov /Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов (1814-1841) è una delle personalità letterarie più importanti del Romanticismo russo.
Poeta, scrittore e drammaturgo fu contemporaneo di Aleksandr Sergeevič Puškin (1799-1837) e come lui, morì in duello.
Autore del poema “Il Demone” e di “Un eroe del nostro tempo”, il suo capolavoro in prosa che uscì nel 1840, un anno prima della sua morte.
"Il Demone" / Демон rappresenta uno dei capolavori della Letteratura Russa, oltre che della Letteratura Romantica Europea.
"Il Demone" fu iniziato nel 1829 da un Lermontov sedicenne e concluso nel 1841. Lermontov scrisse ben otto redazioni del poema.

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Berthe Morisot | Subjects

Berthe Morisot (1841-1895) painted what she experienced on a daily basis.
Most of her paintings include domestic scenes of family, children, ladies, and flowers, depicting what women's life was like in the late nineteenth century.
Instead of portraying the public space and society, Morisot preferred private, intimate scenes.
This reflects the cultural restrictions of her class and gender at that time.

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Berthe Morisot | Lo stile artistico

Berthe Morisot (Bourges, 14 gennaio 1841 - Parigi, 2 marzo 1895) è stata una delle interpreti più significative, fantasiose e vivaci del movimento impressionista.
È importante notare inoltre come la Morisot, insieme a Mary Cassat, Eva Gonzalès e Marie Bracquemond, sia stata una delle poche pittrici impressioniste.

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Thomas Cole

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Berthe Morisot | Style and technique

Because she was a female artist, Morisot's paintings were often labeled as being full of "feminine charm" by male critics, for their elegance and lightness.
In 1890, Morisot wrote in a notebook about her struggles to be taken seriously as an artist: "I don't think there has ever been a man who treated a woman as an equal and that's all I would have asked for, for I know I'm worth as much as they".
Her light brushstrokes often led to critics using the verb "effleurer" (to touch lightly, brush against) to describe her technique.
In her early life, Morisot painted in the open air as other Impressionists to look for truths in observation.