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Henri Martin | Post-Impressionist painter | Part.2

French painter🎨 Henri Jean Guillaume Martin (1860-1943) was an Post-impressionist painter trained at the École des Beaux-Arts under Jules Joseph Garipuy (1817-1893) - the Director at the Toulouse Museum and a Beaux-Arts Academy professor.
The first painting showing his new technique was Fête de la Fédération, exhibited in 1889, which earned him a gold medal.
Martin was commissioned in 1895 to decorate several rooms of the new Paris town hall for which he was awarded🎨* the Medal of the Légion d’Honneur, the highest honor that can be awarded to a civilian.
Martin was also awarded🎨 a major prize at the 1900 Universal Exhibition in Paris and decorated the capitol building in Toulouse.

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Jonathan Ahn, 1977 | Figurative / Cityscape painter

Korean-born American painter🎨 Jonathan Jungsuk Ahn was born in Seoul, South Korea and immediately displayed talent in fine arts.
At age seven Jon moved to the Boston area, where he began studying under and studied under Mrs. Angell-Rickenbacker for over a decade until Jon left for Paris, France.
Jon continued studying art in Paris within the hallow Parisien Museums.
During this time, Jon produced a substantial body of work all the while studying the works of Old Masters.
After several years of traveling the world, Jon settled in San Francisco where he has received his MFA at the Academy of Art University.

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Renoir / Emily Dickinson | It will be Summer / Sarà estate

It will be Summer -eventually.
Ladies -with parasols -
Sauntering Gentlemen -with Canes
- And little Girls -with Dolls -

Will tint the pallid landscape -
As ‘twere a bright Boquet -
Tho drifted deep, in Parian -
The Village lies - today -

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Leonor Fini (1907-1996) | Surrealist painter

Léonor Fini, original name Eleonora Fini (born August 30, 1907, Buenos Aires, Argentina-died January 18, 1996, Paris, France), Argentine-born Surrealist artist known for her Gothic paintings that explore female identity.
The use of symbolic, mythological imagery, in particular that of a sphinx (a creature with a lion’s body and a human head), became the trademark of her work.
Fini’s parents separated when she was a baby, and she was raised by her mother in Trieste, Italy. As a child, she was fascinated by death and decay and visited the Trieste morgue to make anatomy sketches of the cadavers.

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Bernard Ndichu Njuguna (Kenyan painter, 1979)

Bernard Ndichu Njuguna was born and grew up in the central highlands of Kenya surrounded by scenic landscapes and greenery. Moving narratives from his mother and observing his father prepare art lesson schemes for the school where he taught, were his earliest exposures to art.
These childhood scenes have shaped and provided inspiration for his paintings.

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Max Liebermann (German, 1847-1935)

Max Liebermann (20 July 1847 - 8 February 1935) was a German painter🎨 and printmaker of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, and one of the leading proponents of Impressionism🎨 in Germany.
The son of a Jewish fabric manufacturer turned banker from Berlin, Liebermann grew up in an imposing town house alongside the Brandenburg Gate.
He first studied law and philosophy at the University of Berlin, but later studied painting and drawing in Weimar in 1869, in Paris in 1872, and in the Netherlands in 1876-77.

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Leonardo Bazzaro | Prayer in Chioggia / Orazione a Chioggia, 1900

In 1897 Leonardo Bazzaro exhibited Prayer (in Chioggia) at the 2nd Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia where it was given a lukewarm reception by the critics on the whole, due to the fact that the subject was not new in the artist’s output.
Indeed, the theme of mourning expressed through a lyrical blend of figures and landscape had already inspired Ave Maria (Milan, Galleria d’Arte Moderna) dating to 1882, although this work was set in the Charterhouse of Pavia, and it recurs again in Peace to the Shipwrecked (whereabouts unknown) of 1897, which was awarded the gold medal at the III Milan Triennale that year and shown at the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1900.

Leonardo Bazzaro | Orazione a Chioggia o Preghiera o Per i poveri naufraghi, 1897 | Gallerie di Piazza Scala

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Giuliano Boscaini, 1958 | Watercolour painter

Giuliano Boscaini is an Italian painter, known for his watercolor landscapes, urban scenes, seascapes and portrait paintings.
Boscaini was born in the province of Como. He started his working activity very early, specialising in thefield of advertising as a graphic designer.
In 1986, he decidedto start working as a freelancer in this area, working fornumerous leading firms in the country.
His passion, aptitudeand imagination in drawing soon pushed him towards art.Finally, after experimenting with different techniques, herealised that his greatest satisfaction derived from water-colouring.