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John William Waterhouse | L'ultimo dei PreRaffaelliti

John William Waterhouse (1849-1917) è stato un pittore Britannico🎨 di epoca Vittoriana, ultimo rappresentante dello stile dei Pre-Raffaelliti.
È noto soprattutto per i suoi soggetti mitologici e per le protagoniste femminili dei suoi dipinti, incarnazioni di grazia o donne fatali.
La produzione di Waterhouse può essere raggruppata per temi entro due filoni principali: le opere di ispirazione classica e le opere di ispirazione medievale, tra cui spiccano i numerosi Ofelia e La signora di Shalott, oltre ad altri dipinti a tema Shakespeariano.

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Robert McGinnis, 1926 | Romance illustrator

Robert McGinnis is a world-renowned painter whose prolific, award-winning artwork spans more than six decades.
In recognition of his excellent paintings, in 1993 he was elected to the Society of Illustrators Hall of Fame. (The Society of Illustrators is a New York City-based nonprofit educational organization dedicated to celebrating and educating people about the art of illustration; http://society illustrators.org.) In the Society of Illustrators Hall of Fame, Robert joined the likes of Norman Rockwell, N.C. Wyeth, Maxfield Parrish, Winslow Homer, Robert Peak, Frederic Remington and Frank McCarthy.
Robert’s artwork has been viewed by billions of people around the world, but most of them probably did not know, when they saw one of his images, that it was Robert who created the artwork.

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Robert McGinnis, 1926 | The Bond Girls

Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Robert McGinnis🎨, American illustrator, was raised in Wyoming, Ohio. McGinnis🎨 became an apprentice at Walt Disney studios, then studied fine art at Ohio State University.
After wartime service in the Merchant Marine he entered advertising and a chance meeting with Mitchell Hooks in 1958 led him to be introduced to Dell Publishing began a career drawing a variety of paperback covers for books written by such authors as Donald Westlake, Edward S. Aarons, Erle Stanley Gardner, Richard S. Prather, and the Michael Shayne and Carter Brown series.

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Alfred Cheney Johnston | Ziegfeld Follies showgirls

Alfred Cheney Johnston (1885-1971) was an American photographer🎨, known for his portraits of Ziegfeld Follies showgirls as well as of 1920s and 1930s actors and actresses.
The only book known to have been published by Alfred Cheney Johnston during his lifetime devoted to his glamour photography is the 1937 spiral-bound softcover "Enchanting Beauty", which contains 94 black-and-white photos, mostly about 7x9 inches, centered on a 9x12-inch page, although a number are cropped circular or in other designs.

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Albert Lebourg | Impressionist painter

The French painter🎨 Albert-Marie Lebourg (1849, Montfort-sur-Risle - 1928, Rouen) was an landscape Impressionist🎨 and Post-Impressionist painter of the École des Beaux-Arts de Rouen.
Member of the Société des Artistes Français, he actively worked in a luminous Impressionist style🎨, creating more than 2000 landscapes during his lifetime.
The artist was represented by Galerie Mancini in Paris in 1896, in 1899 and 1910 by Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, 1903 and 1906 at the Galerie Paul Rosenberg, and 1918 and 1923 at Galerie Georges Petit.

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Daniel Ridgway Knight (1839-1924)

Daniel Ridgway Knight (15 March 1839 - 9 March 1924) was an American artist born in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.
Knight was a pupil at the École des Beaux-Arts, Paris, under Gleyre, and later worked in the private studio of Meissonier.
After 1872 he lived in France, having a house and studio at Poissy on the Seine.
He painted peasant women out of doors with great popular success. He earned his first major distinction in France at the Paris Salon in 1882 with his large oil on canvas Un Deuil.

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John Singer Sargent | Carriera artistica

Molto importante per l'evoluzione stilistica del Sargent (Firenze, 12 gennaio 1856 – Londra, 17 aprile 1925) fu il viaggio che effettuò nell'estate del 1878 a Napoli e sull'isola di Capri.
Giunto in queste terre in cerca di ispirazione e di soggetti esotici affini al gusto del mercato, qui il pittore si accostò all'opera di Mariano Fortuny («Che genio!», avrebbe esclamato dinanzi ai suoi dipinti); fu proprio grazie alle suggestioni del cosiddetto «fortunysmo» che iniziò a sperimentare audaci soluzioni cromatiche e luministiche.
Sempre a Capri subì il fascino della pittura di Antonio Mancini e Francesco Paolo Michetti; con Mancini, in particolare, instaurò un fertile rapporto di amicizia che sfociò in un intenso scambio artistico.

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Lucien Adrion | Paris painting

Lucien Adrion (1889-1953) was a Post-Impressionist painter, notable for his views of Paris in the early part of the 20th Century.
Lucien Adrion was born in Strasbourg where he began his initial studies in the arts.
In 1907, at the age of 18, he traveled to Paris to work for a large drafting firm, which he quickly realized did not suit his interests.