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Johannes Vermeer | Artistic style

Vermeer (1632-1675) may have first executed his paintings tonally like most painters of his time, using either monochrome shades of grey ("grisaille") or a limited palette of browns and greys ("dead coloring"), over which he would apply more saturated colors (reds, yellows and blues) in the form of transparent glazes. No drawings have been positively attributed to Vermeer, and his paintings offer few clues to preparatory methods.
There is no other 17th-century artist who employed the exorbitantly expensive pigment lapis lazuli (natural ultramarine) either so lavishly or so early in his career.
Vermeer used this in not just elements that are naturally of this colour; the earth colours umber and ochre should be understood as warm light within a painting's strongly lit interior, which reflects its multiple colours onto the wall. In this way, he created a world more perfect than any he had witnessed.

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Norman Lindsay (1879-1969)

Norman Alfred William Lindsay, in breve Norman Lindsay è stato un artista, scultore e scrittore Australiano. È stato anche fumettista editoriale, scala modellatore, e un dilettante boxer. È nato a Creswick nel Victoria.
Lindsay era figlio di un chirurgo anglo-irlandese Robert Charles William Alexander Lindsay (1843-1915) e Jane Elizabeth Lindsay (1848-1932), figlia del reverendo Thomas Williams. Lindsay è il quinto figlio di dieci figli tra cui Percy Lindsay (1870-1952), Lionel Lindsay (1874-1961), Ruby Lindsay (1885-1919), e Daryl Lindsay (1889-1976).

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Rabindranath Tagore /Vladimir Volegov | E' finita la notte..

E' finita la notte.
Spegni la lampada fumante
nell'angolo della stanza.
Sul cielo d'Oriente
è fiorita la luce dell' universo:
è un giorno lieto
Sono destinati a conoscersi
tutti coloro che cammineranno
per strade simili.

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Ludwig Gschossmann | Impressionist painter

German painter🎨 Ludwig Gschossmann (1913-1988) lived his life in a remote lake area in Germany by the name of Tegernsee.
There have been no records of Gschossmann’s birth in the Munich archives in Germany.
Some historians believe that Gschossmann was born as early as 1894. Other dates of birth in research books range from 1901-1913 and 1914.
In 1978 and 1981 Gschossmann wanted his painting to gain acclaim and showed them in a most important auction house in Germany by the name of Hugo Ruef.
In may of 1983 he submitted paintings to the Haus der Kunst, another impressive German auction house.

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Thomas Saliot, 1968 | Figurative painter

Born in Paris, French artist🎨 Thomas Saliot has been painting and travelling for the last 20 years. He paints amazing figurative oil on canvases with bokeh style in some of his works that have the appealing out of focus effect.
He now lives between Marrakech and Paris.
" - I work «free hand» from photos i find all over the web. It is a bit in the spirit of a blog (terrible word) where i use icomic images like snapshot of our centuries".

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Gerard ter Borch (1618-1681)

Gerard ter Borch was an influential and pioneering Dutch genre painter who lived in the Dutch Golden Age.
He influenced fellow Dutch painters Gabriel Metsu, Gerrit Dou, Eglon van der Neer and Johannes Vermeer.

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Enric Torres Prat, 1940 | Fantasy Illustrator

Nato a Barcellona, Enric Torres Prat scoprì la vocazione pittorica fin da bambino, interessandosi sia alla pittura che alla fotografia, ed optando per quest'ultima quando ha scoperto che era il mezzo migliore per catturare le sue idee.
Ha studiato all'Accademia di Sant Jordi e ha girato vari paesi europei e gli Stati Uniti, studiando - strada facendo - la pittura dei vari musei.
Di questi, quello che più lo ha influenzato è stato il Rijkmuseum di Amsterdam, in particolare Rembrandt.
Iniziò a lavorare presso l'agenzia Selecciones Ilustradas quando aveva poco più di 20 anni.
Cercando di trovare un modo per diventare indipendente da Selecciones, si unì a Rafael López Espí ed insieme disegnarono copertine per varie pubblicazioni di suspense e supereroi da Editorial Vértice.

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Otto Eduard Pippel | Ballet dancers

Otto Eduard Pippel was born in 1878 in Lodz, then a Russian city but now in Poland.
He died in Planegg on the outskirts of Munich in 1960.
He began his artistic career at the School of Applied Arts in Strasbourg training to work on decorative projects, but his studies were interrupted when he was drafted into the Russian army for four years.