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Hudson River School of painter

Hudson River school, large group of American landscape painters of several generations who worked between about 1825-1870.
The name, applied retrospectively, refers to a similarity of intent rather than to a geographic location, though many of the older members of the group drew inspiration from the picturesque Catskill region north of New York City, through which the Hudson River flows.
An outgrowth of the Romantic movement, the Hudson River school was the first native school of painting in the United States; it was strongly nationalistic both in its proud celebration of the natural beauty of the American landscape and in the desire of its artists to become independent of European schools of painting.

Thomas Moran (1837-1926)

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Samuel Colman | Romantic painter

Samuel Colman (March 4, 1832 - March 26, 1920) was an American painter🎨, interior designer, and writer, probably best remembered for his paintings of the Hudson River.
Born in Portland, Maine, Colman moved to New York City with his family as a child. His father opened a bookstore, attracting a literate clientele that may have influenced Colman's artistic development. He is believed to have studied briefly under the Hudson River School painter Asher Durand, and he exhibited his first work at the National Academy of Design in 1850.
By 1854 he had opened his own New York City studio. The following year he was elected an associate member of the National Academy, with full membership bestowed in 1862.

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Elena Prudnikova, 1978 | Figurative painter

Russian painter Elena Prudnikova /Елена Прудникова was born in Chita, Russia.
In 1997 she graduated from the Chitinsky Art School as an artist designer. Graduated from Krasnoyarsk art college and St. Petersburg State Academic Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture IE Repin.
Member of the Russian Artists’ Union from 2008, National Pastel Union of Russia, signature member of PSA (Pastel Society of America).
Her works are among private collections in Russia and abroad: Spain, England, France, Japan, Germany, Belgium, Caribbean Isles, America, Latvia and Lithuania, Italy, Switzerland and Brazil.

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George Inness | Quotes / Aforismi

George Inness🎨 (1825-1894) was an American artist🎨 whose landscapes melded the paint handling of the French Barbizon School🎨 with subject matter specific to the changing American countryside.

The true use of art is, first, to cultivate the artist's own spiritual nature.
Il vero uso dell'arte è, in primo luogo, coltivare la natura spirituale dell'artista.

The true end of art is not to imitate a fixed material condition, but to represent a living emotion.

La vera fine dell'Arte non è imitare una condizione materiale fissa, ma rappresentare un movimento vivente.

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Vito Campanella | Surrealist / Metaphysics painter

Vito Campanella (1932-2014)🎨 was an Argentine painter of Italian origin born in Monopoli, Bari, Italy.
Before establishing himself in Buenos Aires in 1955, Campanella studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Brera in Milan and in cultural centers of important European artists.
After more than 50 years devoted to painting, Vito Campanella is a universal artist, a renowned painter called Master by the prestigious Swiss dictionary "Art Leaders of the World".

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Antonio Ambrogio Alciati | Dama in rosa, 1921

Ambrogio Antonio Alciati | Dama in rosa, 1921 | Museo Borgogna

Il dipinto venne esposto nel 1921 alla mostra della galleria Pesaro di Milano, con il titolo Ritratto di signora, dove ottenne ottimi riscontri di critica: “Quella leggiadra figura di giovane donna, dal taglio del quadro alla grazia e semplicità della posa, dalla serena e un po’ sognosa espressione del volto alla delicata gamma di tinte dell’abbigliamento, è una delizia” (in “Emporium”, novembre 1921, p. 312).

Successivamente la tela fu presentata a Vercelli alla Esposizione artisti vercellesi.
Mostra di oreficeria del 1922 dove venne acquistata dal Museo.

Ambrogio Antonio Alciati | Dama in rosa, 1921 | Museo Borgogna

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Pablo Neruda | Ode all'autunno

Modest is the autumn, like the woodcutters.
It's costly to cut all the leaves
off all the trees of all places.
In spring they're sewn on in flight
and now you must let them fall
as if they were little yellow birds:
it isn't easy.
You need time.

Vincent van Gogh🎨 | Autumn Garden, 1888

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Armand Point | Symbolist painter

Armand Point (1860-1932) was a French painter, engraver and designer who was associated with the Symbolist movement and was one of the founders of the Salon de la Rose + Croix.
Later he formed his own atelier. Sources differ over the details of his birth and death.
Point's earliest works were Orientalist scenes of markets and musicians and the street life of his youth in Algeria.