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Jacqueline Williams, 1962 | Impressionist painter

Born in Lincoln, Jacqueline Williams soon became interested in art at school and went on to attend the Gloucestershire College of Arts and Technology. Her success at College earnt her a place at the prestigious Royal Academy School London.
Jacqueline's continued hard work and success meant that she was elected a member of the New English Art Club ( NEAC) in 1993.
She has won many awards including: The Antique Collectors prize, Antonio De Segonzac Travel Scholarship, Elizabeth Greenshields Award, Patterson Prize NEAC, Critics Prize NEAC, Patterson Memorial Prize.

Jackie's work is in the main-stream tradition of British painting in the twentieth century, from the Camden Town and Euston Road Schools through New English painters like Sickert and Steer; a worthy follower of that greatest of English women painters, Gwen John.
Her art is based on a personal vision expressed through sound craft, fine drawing, a wonderful sense of tonal pitch and a highly developed sense of colour.

Jacqueline has won many awards🎨, and has exhibited with this gallery since the 1980s.
  • 1985 - Antique Collectors Prize;
  • 1988 - Antonio De Segonzac Travel Scholarship;
  • 1988/92 - Elizabeth Greenshields Award;
  • 1993 - Patterson Prize NEAC;
  • 1996 - Critics Prize NEAC;
  • 2003 - Patterson Memorial Prize.

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Nicolas Tournier (1590-1639) | Baroque painter

Nicolas Tournier (baptised 12 July 1590 - d. before February 1639) was a French Baroque painter.
Born in Montbéliard, he followed the profession of his father, André Tournier, "a Protestant painter from Besançon".
Little is known of his life before his arrival in Rome, where he worked between 1619-1626, and where he was influenced by the work of Caravaggio. According to one early source, he was a pupil of Valentin de Boulogne.

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Marcantonio Franceschini | Baroque painter

Marcantonio Franceschini, (born April 5, 1648, Bologna, Papal States [Italy] - died Dec. 24, 1729, Bologna), Italian painter🎨, a leading artist of the Bolognese school of the Baroque period🎨.
Franceschini worked in Genoa, Modena, and Rome as well as in Bologna and worked extensively for patrons in Austria and Germany.
He was made director of the Clementina Academy in Bologna in 1721.
Franceschini was the last important representative of the tradition of the Carracci🎨; the works of Lodovico Carracci🎨 and Francesco Albani are the main sources of his style.

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Jean-Léon Gérôme | Academic / Orientalist painter

Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824-1904) was a French painter and sculptor in the style now known as Academicism.
The range of his oeuvre included historical painting, Greek mythology, Orientalism, portraits and other subjects, bringing the Academic painting tradition to an artistic climax.
He is considered one of the most important painters from this Academic period, and in addition to being a painter, he was also a teacher with a long list of students.

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Lorenzo Pasinelli | Baroque painter

Lorenzo Pasinelli (September 4, 1629 - March 4, 1700) was an Italian painter🎨 active mainly in Bologna during the late Baroque period.
He was born in Bologna, and initially trained in the studio of Simone Cantarini. He then pursued studies in Rome. Despite that training, his works have an air of Mannerism🎨.
In an overview of two major Bolognese painters circa 1700, one author describes that Pasinelli:
  • "Lorenzo liked the design of Raphael🎨 joined with the charm of Paolo Veronese🎨; while Carlo (Cignani) liked the grace of Correggio🎨 united to the erudition of Annibale (Carracci)🎨 ... while Pisanelli did not attain a fullness of correct design, which (Veronese) had advanced ... no one will fail to recognize in Pisanelli large picturesque fire and great new ideas, but sometimes is a tad forced in his movements, and using new and bizarre clothes".

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El Greco (1541-1614) | Mannerist painter

Doménikos Theotokópoulos / Δομήνικος Θεοτοκόπουλος, most widely known as El Greco ("The Greek"), was a painter, sculptor and architect of the Spanish Renaissance.
"El Greco" was a nickname, a reference to his Greek origin, and the artist normally signed his paintings with his full birth name in Greek letters, Δομήνικος Θεοτοκόπουλος (Doménikos Theotokópoulos), often adding the word Κρής (Krēs, "Cretan").

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Donato Creti | Baroque painter

Donato Creti (24 February 1671 - 31 January 1749) was an Italian painter🎨 of the Rococo period, active mostly in Bologna.
Born in Cremona, he moved to Bologna, where he was a pupil of Lorenzo Pasinelli.
He is described by Wittkower as the "Bolognese Marco Benefial", in that his style was less decorative and edged into a more formal neoclassical style.
It is an academicized grand style, that crystallizes into a manneristic🎨 neoclassicism, with crisp and frigid modeling of the figures.

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Georges Seurat ed il colore

Georges Seurat (Parigi, 2 dicembre 1859 – Gravelines, 29 marzo 1891) è stato un pittore Francese, pioniere del movimento puntinista.

Seurat, intendendo portare a risoluzione gli studi sui rapporti cromatici, predispose un disco cromatico, ossia un cerchio la cui corona esterna riporta tutti i colori prismatici ed intermedi, come già aveva fatto il chimico Michel-Eugène Chevreul a partire dal 1839. La sequenza di ventidue colori, inizia con il colore blu, proseguendo con: blu oltremare, oltremare artificiale, viola, porpora, rosso porpora, carminio, rosso spurio, vermiglione, minio, arancio, giallo arancio, giallo, giallo verde, verde, verde smeraldo, blu molto verde, blu verde cianico, blu verde, blu cianico I e blu cianico II, che si riunisce al blu di partenza.