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El Greco (1541-1614) | Mannerist painter

Doménikos Theotokópoulos / Δομήνικος Θεοτοκόπουλος, most widely known as El Greco ("The Greek"), was a painter, sculptor and architect of the Spanish Renaissance.
"El Greco" was a nickname, a reference to his Greek origin, and the artist normally signed his paintings with his full birth name in Greek letters, Δομήνικος Θεοτοκόπουλος (Doménikos Theotokópoulos), often adding the word Κρής (Krēs, "Cretan").

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Donato Creti | Baroque painter

Donato Creti (24 February 1671 - 31 January 1749) was an Italian painter🎨 of the Rococo period, active mostly in Bologna.
Born in Cremona, he moved to Bologna, where he was a pupil of Lorenzo Pasinelli.
He is described by Wittkower as the "Bolognese Marco Benefial", in that his style was less decorative and edged into a more formal neoclassical style.
It is an academicized grand style, that crystallizes into a manneristic🎨 neoclassicism, with crisp and frigid modeling of the figures.

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Georges Seurat ed il colore

Georges Seurat (Parigi, 2 dicembre 1859 – Gravelines, 29 marzo 1891) è stato un pittore Francese, pioniere del movimento puntinista.

Seurat, intendendo portare a risoluzione gli studi sui rapporti cromatici, predispose un disco cromatico, ossia un cerchio la cui corona esterna riporta tutti i colori prismatici ed intermedi, come già aveva fatto il chimico Michel-Eugène Chevreul a partire dal 1839. La sequenza di ventidue colori, inizia con il colore blu, proseguendo con: blu oltremare, oltremare artificiale, viola, porpora, rosso porpora, carminio, rosso spurio, vermiglione, minio, arancio, giallo arancio, giallo, giallo verde, verde, verde smeraldo, blu molto verde, blu verde cianico, blu verde, blu cianico I e blu cianico II, che si riunisce al blu di partenza.

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Carl Holsøe | Copenhagen Interior School

Danish painter Carl Vilhelm Holsoe (1863-1935), a leading member of the Danish school of painting in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, was highly regarded by colleagues and collectors alike.
Holsoe trained at the Royal Academy of Copenhagen with Vilhelm Hammershoi, a very close friend and mentor, from 1882-1884.
Holsoe continued his instruction at the Peder Severin Kroyer's Artists' Study School.

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Victor Crisostomo Gomez | Indians Native Art

Completely self-taught, Peruvian painter Victor Crisostomo Gomez’s approach to art is to portray emotion through intense color and to render the men, women and children in his portraits with a soft, almost dream-like quality.
The result is that each painting becomes a beautiful exploration into symbolism, cultural heritage and identity, drawing on a sense of harmony that he tries to instill in each canvas. Victor’s work has been likened to a treasure chest full of mysteries and surprises. Each gem will be revealed the longer you look.
Ultimately, Victor seeks to combine the strength and richness of the heritage of the Native Indians of Peru with the rewards and challenges of the urban world.
In this way, Victor has become one of today’s most relevant South American portrait artists. He continues to create beautiful paintings in Peru.

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Henri Lehmann | Neoclassical painter

Henri Lehmann (14 April 1814 - 30 March 1882) was a German🎨-born French🎨 historical painter and portraitist.
Born Heinrich Salem Lehmann in Kiel, in the Duchy of Holstein, he received his first art tuition from his father Leo Lehmann (1782-1859) and from other painters in Hamburg.
In 1831, at the age of 17, he travelled to Paris to study art under Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres🎨, becoming one of his most accomplished pupils and a close associate for many years.

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Théo van Rysselberghe (Belgian, 1862-1926)

Théo Van Rysselberghe, in full Théophile Van Rysselberghe, (born Nov. 23, 1862, Ghent, Belg. - died Dec. 13, 1926, Saint-Clair, Manche, France), Belgian painter, sculptor, and designer who, together with Henry van de Velde, headed the large rank of Belgian artists that adhered to Neo-Impressionism.
Van Rysselberghe studied in Ghent and Brussels, and he was among the founders of both the Twenty (Les XX) and the Free Aesthetics (La Libre Esthétique), the two major associations of Belgian artists at the turn of the 20th century.
He was influenced by the work of Georges Seurat - particularly his Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte (1884–86), which he saw in 1886.

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Peonies, 1880 | The Clark