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Evelyne Galinski, 1950 | Abstract Figurative sculptor

Born in Marseille, French sculptor🎨 Evelyne Galinski began sculpting quite late. Her inspiration: meditation, silence, zen, body arts, self knowledge and one’s relation to others. In pursuit of her own story, Evelyne Galinski searches for herself in clay. She speaks of a people, ancestral or new.
Her people are without race for when mixed, they exude the white light containing all colors.
Furthermore, the male - female ambiguity of her figures leads the heart and eyes to consider the being beyond it’s form. Beyond her own search, all blends in softness, allowing each one the freedom to see and be what they desire.
Evelyne Galinski’s sculptures do not leave indifferent. For some, they reflect human finitude and death impossible to tame. For others, they are the fruit of a spiritual quest, where the bodies seem to seek ecstasy in a levitation to an unknown destination.

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Tavik Frantisek Simon (1877-1942)

Tavik František Šimon was a Czech painter, printmaker and woodcut painter was an extraordinary artist and without any doubt he is one of the greatest. Šimon's artistic work has always been very popular and in high demand.
He painted several masterpieces and created more than 650 graphic artworks of high quality.
The studio in Prague of T. François Šimon reveals the development of an artist of international repute from a colorist and impressionist to a decorative painter within twenty years.
Born in Bohemia, in the then Austrian Empire, Simon was the youngest of seven children. He showed early a talent for drawing, to the extent that his elementary school teacher recommended to his parents to send him for art education in Prague.

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Miguel Freitas | City streets painter

Miguel Freitas grew up in Lisbon, Portugal, later he moved to Toronto where he continued to study the fine arts exploring ways of expressing his creativity.
His artistic diversity and ability to work with various media and styles has proven to be a great asset to his creative career. Starting out as a photographer, and then venturing into the design industry, his success as a designer and illustrator eventually led him to positions working as Art Director for companies both in Canada and Europe.
Although he enjoys design, he longed for new challenges and creative freedom and so he ventured on his own and now works from his home studio in the Toronto Beaches.
Miguel’s unique technique and style has attracted much attention and created a following where his originals have become sought after by collectors and galleries throughout North America.

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La Cattedrale di San Basilio, Mosca 1555-1561

La Cattedrale di San Basilio, simbolo di Mosca e della intera Russia, dal 1990 è stata dichiarata, Patrimonio dell’Umanità dall'UNESCO, insieme al Cremlino di Mosca.
Edificata nella famosa Piazza Rossa sul lato opposto della Porta Voskresensky, la Cattedrale di San Basilio, nota anche come la Cattedrale Pokrovsky Sobor o la Cattedrale dell’Intercessione della Vergine del Fossato, fu voluta da Ivan IV, detto il “Terribile”, per celebrare la conquista della roccaforte tartare di Kazan, avvenuta nel 1552.

La Cattedrale di San Basilio | Mosca 1555-1561

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Kahlil Gibran | On Love / Dell'Amore

Quando l’amore vi chiama seguitelo
anche se le sue vie sono ardue e ripide
e quando le sue ali vi avvolgeranno, abbandonatevi a lui
anche se la sua lama, celata fra le sue penne, vi può ferire
e quando vi parla, credetegli
anche se la sua voce può mandare in frantumi i vostri sogni
come il vento del nord devasta il vostro giardino.

Charles Amable Lenoir | Reverie, 1893

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Khalil Gibran | Sul dolore / On Pain

Il dolore è lo spezzarsi del guscio
che racchiude la vostra conoscenza.

Come il nocciolo del frutto deve spezzarsi
affinché il suo cuore possa esporsi al sole,
così voi dovete conoscere il dolore.

Roman Urbinskiy 1977 | Russian painter
Roman Urbinskiy, 1977 | Russian painter

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Kahlil Gibran: "La perplessità è l'inizio della conoscenza!"

Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.
Tenerezza e gentilezza non sono sintomo di disperazione e debolezza, ma espressione di forza e di determinazione.

La generosità significa dare più di quello che puoi, e l'orgoglio sta nel prendere meno di ciò di cui hai bisogno.
Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.

Igor Zenin

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Barbara Cole, 1953 | Abstract / Fine Art photographer

While we're completely blown away when we see paintings that look like pictures, we're even more excited when we come across pictures that look like paintings! Such is this set, called Painted Ladies, by Barbara Cole, Canadian🎨 photographer. The self-taught photographer not only challenges our reality, she does it all using Polaroid film!
"I fell in love with Polaroid film sometime late in 1987", Cole says. - I had been experimenting with the Polaroid Spectra camera and Tungsten light and I loved the mood that its warm colors and creamy palette evoked. In the end, however, it proved too difficult to work within the limitations of this simple point and shoot camera and I abandoned it.