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Jean-Gabriel Domergue | Pin-Up painter

Jean-Gabriel Domergue (1889-1962) was a French painter specialising in portraits of Parisian women. He went on to paint approximately 3.000 portraits.
Domergue invented a new type of woman: thin, airy, elegant, with a swan like neck and wide seductive eyes which gaze upon the world with longing.

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Laurie Kersey, 1961

La vita dell'artista di Laurie Kersey è iniziata nelle zone rurali dell'Ohio. È cresciuta in una famiglia artistica e ha sempre amato disegnare e dipingere.
Sua madre amava dipingere a olio quando Laurie era giovane e poi passò agli acquerelli. Suo padre era un cavaliere, addestrava e correva cavalli finiti, e trascorreva le sue estati aiutando nella stalla dell'ippodromo.
Dopo una prima educazione artistica presso l'Art Institute di Pittsburgh e poi una carriera di 15 anni nell'arte commerciale come Art Director ed Illustrator sulla costa orientale, Kersey si è trasferita a San Francisco, ha studiato pittura all'Academy of Art University e ha fatto il passaggio alle belle arti.
In seguito ha insegnato pittura e disegno al Dipartimento di Belle Arti dell'Accademia.

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Ivan Slavinsky, 1968 | Fantastic realism painter

Ivan Efimovich Slavinsky / Иван Ефимович Славинский is an Russian🎨 contemporary artist born in Leningrad. As a son to an art historian mother and a well-known Leningrad painter Dmitry Oboznenko, it could be said that Ivan was destined to be an artist from an early age.
Ivan began to paint with 5 years professional skills was the at school at the Academy of Fine Arts.
The first exhibition of Ivan Slavinsky in St. Petersburg took place in the gallery "Association of Free Artists" in 1991.

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Francisco Goya | Drawing

Francisco Goya (1746-1828) was a Spanish romantic painter and printmaker. He is considered the most important Spanish artist of late 18th and early 19th centuries and throughout his long career was a commentator and chronicler of his era.
Immensely successful in his lifetime, Goya is often referred to as both the last of the Old Masters and the first of the moderns.

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Panayiotis Beldekos, 1962 | Abstract Figurative painter

Panayiotis Beldekos / Παναγιώτης Μπελντέκος was born in Athens. He studied Painting at the Athens School of Fine Arts (1987‑1992) under Demosthenis Kokkinidis, Tassos Christakis and Michalis Manousakis.
In 1995 he was awarded a two‑year scholarship from the Greek State Scholarship Foundation, and continued his studies in painting with Panayiotis Tetsis.
Since 1992 he has been active in art education.
From 1995-1998 he taught painting at the Athens College educational programs.

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William Merritt Chase | Pittore Impressionista

William Merritt Chase (1849-1916) è stato un pittore statunitense, noto per il suo impegno a favore dell'Impressionismo e per le sue doti di insegnante.
Formatosi in America, conclude l’istruzione a Monaco di Baviera, ma schiarisce poi i colori a Venezia.
Rimpatria ed inizia ad insegnare istituendo una scuola a New York e la Summer School a Shinnecock, Long Island, fondata sulla pittura En plein air (1891-1902).
In Europa organizza corsi estivi d’istruzione: tre a Firenze, dove acquista Villa Silli.

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Alberto Pisa | Genre painter

Alberto Pisa (1864-1936) was an Italian painter, often painting ruins, landscapes, and garden views in bright watercolor.
He initially studied in Ferrara with Gaetano Domenichini. He later studied at the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence.
His first work was a Church Interior, displayed at the Promotrice. In 1887, he sent to the Exposition of Venice, the canvases depicting the Church of Santa Maria Novella, and the genre painting Donne e Madonne.

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Parmigianino | Mannerist | Paintings

Parmigianino, byname of Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola, Mazzola also spelled Mazzuoli (born Jan. 11, 1503, Parma, duchy of Milan [Italy] - died Aug. 24, 1540, Casalmaggiore, Cremona), Italian painter* who was one of the first artists to develop the elegant and sophisticated version of Mannerist style* that became a formative influence on the post-High Renaissance* generation.

There is no doubt that Correggio was the strongest single influence on Parmigianino’s early development, but Parmigianino probably was never his pupil. The influence is apparent in Parmigianino’s first important work, the Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine (c. 1521).