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Jack Vettriano: "I don’t apologise for what I have painted.."

"I miei dipinti raccontano le cose che ho fatto e quelle che vorrei poter fare".
"I painted beach scenes not because I was feeling nice, but because I wanted to get a particular effect of reflection".

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Fabian Perez, 1967 | Embrace series

"Art happens in the sublime moment when the human being expresses his emotions through skills" - Fabian Perez

For Fabian Perez, the purpose of art is to perpetuate beauty.
"That is what I am always striving for. God created the world and embellished it with the wonders of nature. I think it is the artist’s job to embellish it with his work".

"I am constantly fighting for a more romantic world, one where the woman and the man have defined roles and power isn’t always the goal".
Pausing, he says, "I would like to say that it is not important what you have, but how you enjoy it".

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Jaime Sabines | I’m not dying of love: I’m dying of you / Non è che muoia d’amor, muoio di te

Ron Hicks* - Study of a Couple
I’m not dying of love:
I’m dying of you,
my love-dying of the love of you,
of my dire need for my skin of you,
of my soul and my mouth of you,
of the miserable wretch I am without you.

I’m dying of you and me, of both
of us, of this-
ripped to shreds, torn apart,
the two of us are dying, dying of it.

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Jean Béraud (1849-1935)

Si dedicò alla pittura di genere, in prevalenza dell'ambiente parigino.
Jean Béraud nacque a San Pietroburgo con la sorella gemella Melania, poiché suo padre, scultore, lavorava probabilmente alle opere della cattedrale di Sant'Isacco.
Nel 1853 suo padre morì ed il giovane Béraud rientrò a Parigi con la madre, Geneviève Eugénie Jacquin, e le tre sorelle.

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Stanislaw Zoladz, 1952 | Watercolour painter

Stanislaw Zoladz was born in Poland, and has studied at Kraków Academy of Fine Arts. Since 1978 he lives and works in Sweden.
To find motifs for his paintings, Stanislaw is always on the hunt for exiting light settings.
In the summer he paints where growth gives way to rocks by the water in Stockholm's archipelago.
Nature is a predominant theme in his works of art.
But quite often an abandoned tractor, or a red cottage by the horizon, also remind us of human presence.

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David Gray | The Storyteller | VideoArt

David Gray* - American painter* - acquired a strong foundational education in art while obtaining his BFA from Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington.
His art education has continued with independent and occasional formal studies in pictorial expression and oil painting.
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Peregrine Heathcote, 1973 | Academic Realism painter

Peregrine Heathcote is an British painter*, known for working in contemporary academic realism style.
Heathcote was born in London.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Heathcote see Peregrine Heathcote, 1973 | Figurative painter*.

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Elihu Vedder | Symbolist painter

Elihu Vedder (February 26, 1836 - January 29, 1923) was an American symbolist painter, book illustrator and poet, born in New York City.
He is best known for his fifty-five illustrations for Edward FitzGerald's translation of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (deluxe edition, published by Houghton Mifflin).
Elihu Vedder was born February 26, 1836 in New York City, the son of Dr. Elihu Vedder Sr. and Elizabeth Vedder. His parents were cousins. His father, a dentist, decided to try his luck in Cuba, and this had a profound impact on Elihu Jr.'s childhood.