Donatello*, in his early twenties, was commissioned to carve a statue of David in 1408, to top one of the buttresses of Florence Cathedral, though it was never to be placed there. Nanni di Banco was commissioned to carve a marble statue of Isaiah, at the same scale, in the same year.
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Donatello | The marble David, 1409
Rosanne Pomerleau, 1958 | Figurative painter
Born in Ascot Corner.
Training: Self-taught painter.
Achievements: Solo and group exhibitions in Canada and the United States.
Honours: Prize of Excellence in 1986, silver medal in watercolour and Prize for Excellence in pastel at the Amsterdam Art International Exhibition in California, U.S.A.
The Selected works of art were exhibited in San Francisco in October 1998.
Member of the American Society of Portrait Artists since 1998.
Collections: Her work is part of public and private collections all over the world.
Tarcsay Bela, 1952 | Abstract painter
Béla Tarcsay was born in Nagykanizsa, Hungary. He lives in Szeged since 2000.
He is dealing with fine arts since 1994.
He intends to show in his paintings his love of nature.
He got his knowledge in fine arts in a self-educated manner. Beside oil paintings he makes attempts at graphics and pastel technique.
Pablo Picasso | Produzione artistica
Periodo blu
Partendo dal 1901 lo stile pittorico di Picasso incominciò a presentare tratti originali e nuove soluzioni artistiche; in quell'anno, infatti, ha inizio il cosiddetto «periodo blu», che si protrae sino alla primavera del 1904.
Questa fase artistica picassiana, come già accennato, scaturì in seguito alla morte suicida dell'amico Carlos Casagemas, come affermato dallo stesso maestro andaluso:
«Quando mi resi conto che Casagemas era morto, incominciai a dipingere in blu» - Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso | La nascita del cubismo
Dopo un'ulteriore vacanza a Horta de Ebro nell'estate 1909, Picasso una volta ritornato a Parigi decise di allontanarsi dal pur pittoresco squallore di Montmartre e di affittare - insieme con Fernarde e il loro gatto siamese - un appartamento al numero 11 di boulevard de Clichy, nei pressi di place Pigalle.
Qui si dedicò con assoluta e piena dedizione ai propri quadri cubisti, dando vita a opere quali La femme assise (1909) e Ragazza con mandolino (1910) e i ritratti effigianti Georges Braque (1909), Ambroise Vollard (1909-10) e Daniel-Heinrich Kahnweiler (1910).
Con queste tele Picasso, meditando sulla lezione di Cézanne, intendeva studiare il rapporto tra forma e spazio mediante il trattamento schematico dei piani e la scomposizione dei volumi: da queste premesse prese forma una fase che i critici d'arte definiranno «cubismo analitico».
Odilon Redon | Hommage a Goya, 1885 | The series
Homage to Goya (Hommage à Goya) is an portfolio of 6 lithographs on chine appliqué reveal Redon's admiration for the Spanish painter and printmaker, who died in 1828.
Title: Hommage a Goya
Autor: Odilon Redon (1840-1916)
Date: 1885
Style: Symbolism
Genre: Mythological painting
Media: Oil on cardboard, mounted on canvas
Location: Scharf-Gerstenberg Collection, Berlin
Odilon Redon | Apollo's Chariot, 1905-1916 | The Series
In 1878 Redon*, in a study of Delacroix*, praised that artist's ceiling in the Louvre showing the Chariot of Apollo, and in the same year he noted in his journal his admiration for a painting of Phaethon by Gustave Moreau*.
Between 1905 and 1916 Redon* devoted a number of oils, pastels and watercolors to the theme of horses of the sun, driven, according to classical mythology, by the god Apollo or his son Phaëthon.
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