Renoir's 'Umbrellas' shows a bustling Paris street in the rain. The composition of the painting does not focus on the centre of the picture which is a tangle of hands. It even cuts of figures at either edge like a photographic snapshot. This kind of unconventional arrangement was something that several of the Impressionists, including Renoir and Degas, enjoyed experimenting with.
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Salustiano Garcia Cruz, 1965
Spanish painter Salustiano García Cruz graduated from the University of Seville.
The paintings of this artist are red or white pictures in a pure concept of Renaissance style, transmitting calm through a detailed study of form and a clear brush stroke.
The characters are lone busts and faces over an empty and monochrome space, appearing like in dreams where everything turns red.
Loui Jover, 1967 | Abstract /Surrealist painter
Loui Jover is an Australian based painter with a unique style of art. He basically uses ink on pages from vintage books to create eye-catching and emotionally charged images of women’s faces. His images also incorporate couples in intensely emotional states. His works have been hailed as truly creative and emotional. As an avid artist who draws every single day creating books of cartoons and drawings, Loui has travelled extensively all over Europe and Asia.
Johan Messely, 1953 | The Secret Gardens
Johan Messely is a painter from Belgium. Johan Messely grew up in the artistic world of his father Paul Messely,1927, also a painter, who served as his great example and motivation.
After his studies into technical engineering and later photography, Johan settled as a professional photographer in Menen, Belgium, but eventually decided to turn painting from being just a hobby into his main occupation.
Johan aims to create scenes in which the subtle play between light and shadow takes the central stage.
Alex Bertaina, 1963 | Venice painting
"Maybe my sky and my sea are united, as our existence,
between transport towards nature and departure from it and they shall treat these wounds" - Alex Bertaina
Alex Bertaina is an Italian painter, born in Turin. He lives and work in Cuneo, in North West Italy.
- "I am an autodidact painter. Since I was a child drawing has been to me a prime channel of expression, I remember that at school I enjoyed drawing pictures from the incomprehensible scribbling made by my classmates.
Emilio Greco | Figurative sculptor
Emilio Greco born (1913-1995), Italian sculptor and draughtsman, mainly of female figures and portrait busts.
Born in Catania, Sicily. At the age of thirteen entered the workshop of a stone mason, learning to carve crosses and figures for cemeteries; also began making sculpture on his own account and studied briefly at the Palermo Academy 1934.
Carmelo Blandino, 1966 | Abstract Symbolism painter
“My works are entrusted with the messages of Ages, created to impart healing and creative inspiration through beauty”.
Born to Sicilian parents in Tübingen, Germany, and with a childhood spent in the cities of Montreal and Modica, Sicily, Carmelo Blandino’s life journey has spanned continents and oceans.
It has now brought him to the US, where he has studios and residences in both Connecticut and Wisconsin. Blandino grows his inspirational vocabulary by taking the essentialness of Home to each and every place he has made his bed, wherever he has set up easel and wielded paintbrush.
Nefertiti, la Dea dell'Egitto
Il pezzo più pregiato della collezione di reperti archeologici egizi è senza dubbio il busto della regina Nefertiti.
C'è chi afferma che valga da solo un viaggio a Berlino.
C'è chi afferma che valga da solo un viaggio a Berlino.
Nefertiti, che per gli egiziani "la bella che è arrivata", identifica la regina egiziana (XIV secolo a.C.), sposa di Amenophis IV (Akhenaton, 1364-1347 a.C.).
Non si limitò ad interpretare il ruolo di grande sposa reale, poiché il faraone l’aveva coinvolta nella gestione del potere, e la sua influenza sulla guida politica del regno fu notevolissima.
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