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Paul Renard | Paris painting

French artist Paul Renard (1871-1920) was studied at Rotterdams Academy of Art.
He spent most of his career painting narrative street scenes of Paris for which he became renowned.
His is a well listed artist and his work can be found in galleries throughout the world.

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Shakespeare | Shall I compare thee to a summer's day.. / Dovrei paragonarti a un giorno d'estate..

  Sonnet 18
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Sonetto 18
Dovrò paragonarti ad un giorno estivo?
Tu sei più amabile e temperato:
cari bocci scossi da vento eversivo
e il nolo estivo presto è consumato.

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Antoine Blanchard | Paris painting

Antoine Blanchard is the pseudonym of the French painter, Marcel Masson [1910-1988]. Blanchard was often introduced to collectors as the foremost artist of Parisian street scenes of his day. Like his predecessors, the French masters Galien-Laloue, Cortes, Loir, Utrillo and Francois Gerome, Blanchard has made an impact on contemporary art.Born in 1910 in a small village near Blois in the Loire Valley, Blanchard was encouraged at a young age to enter the arts. His parents first sent him as a young boy to an art school in Blois, and then relocated the entire family to Rennes in Brittany so that young Antoine could study there at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Three years later, in 1932, the young artist moved to Paris in order to Study at its world famous Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Upon completion of his studies, Blanchard was awarded the Prix de Rome, an honor rarely given to an artist of his young age.
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Amaldus Nielsen | Naturalist painter

Amaldus Clarin Nielsen (23 May 1838 - 10 December 1932) was a Norwegian painter.
Early life
He was born in Halse as a son of shipmaster and merchant Niels Clemetsen Nielsen (1795-1845) and his wife Andrea Marie Møller (1802-1866). He grew up in Mandal in Vest-Agder county, Norway. He lived most of his childhood and adolescence without a father. He received some tuition from a traveling drawing teacher and traveled to Copenhagen to study in 1854.

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Boltraffio | The Virgin and Child / Madonna col Bambino, c. 1493-1499

  • Artist: Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio (1467-1516);
  • Full title: The Virgin and Child;
  • Date made: probably about 1493-1499;
  • Medium and support: Oil on walnut;
  • Dimensions: 92.7 x 67.3 cm;
  • Located: National Gallery London;
  • Acquisition credit: Bought, 1863;
  • Inventory number: NG728.

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Daniel Dell'Orfano | Romantic Realism painter

I aspire to blend old fashion artistic integrity with modern perception. My paintings depict life, not as it may be, but more as it is remembered- a snapshot, not of a particular moment, but of an overall memory. It is the beauty of the emotion felt at an exacting time that I attempt to portray. Trying to capture the romantic yet realistic view one has of everyday life is at the root of all my work”.

Daniel Del Orfano was born and raised on Long Island, New York, Daniel decided to stay close to his roots and attend Dowling College in Oakdale, NY.

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Boltraffio | Narcissus at the Fountain / Narciso alla fonte, c. 1500-1510

Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio | Narcissus at the Fountain,
Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Description: Narcissus at the Fountain;
Painted: shortly after 1500;
At the Uffizi: since 1894;
Author: Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio (1467-1516);
Framework: Tempera on wood, 19x31;
Located in: The Correggio Room, Uffizi Gallery in Florence.
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Romee Kanis, 1953 | Figurative bronzes sculptor

Romee Kanis was born in Jutphaas in 1953. Currently she lives in St. Maartensbrug in Zijpe in a farmhouse, where her sculpture garden and her studio are located and she also works in her workshop in Schermerhorn. At age 18, Romee began in Spain and France with drawing portraits. On the Place du Tertre in Paris and by working in the major cities of Europe, she got a good look at the people around her.