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D. Eleinne Basa, 1967 | Plein Air / Tonalist painter

D. Eleinne Basa is an Award Winning American Landscape painter represented by several Galleries across the United States.
A Classically trained artist, Basa began painting at the young age of 8. Her early training still influences her as it is when she is painting "en plein air" that she is brought back to a time in her childhood when "painting was pure and comes from someplace deep within".
Basa’s landscapes allure the viewer to move into the work with their radiant light and luminescent qualities reminiscent of the early Luminists and Tonalists of the American School. She is inspired by painters like Thomas Moran, George Inness and is continually striving to achieve a certain timelessness to her work.

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Matt Abraxas, 1974 | Figurative Impressionist / Realist painter

Matt Abraxas is an internationally recognized fine artist whose work is collected throughout the U.S., Europe and the Middle East.
Studied "Restructured Realism" under Ted Seth Jacobs in France, and the Abstraction Method under Jeffrey Watts in California.
Currently showing at SmithKlein Gallery in Boulder, CO.

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Jacques Le Nantec, 1940 | Scultore figurativo

Jacques Le Nantec, vero nome Jacques Métayer - è uno scultore Francese nato a Nantes.
Alla età di tredici anni, ripristinò una statuetta rotta e scoprì la passione per la scultura.
Nell’ottobre del 1957, ad Annecy espose le sue prime quindici opere, tra cui due a grandezza naturale.

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Francois Lassere, 1960 | Oppositionist Art Movement

Born in Puy de Dôme, France, in 1960, François Lassere is a self-taught painter who practices several techniques. He was interested in hyperrealism for many years, then moved on to working in raw material, when a painter in Paris suggested to him to expand to new techniques.
Lassere then embarked on a new trend, which he calls “Oppositionism”. From this point on his work will mostly consist of highlighting heterogeneous styles to extract harmony from them. He was awarded a gold medal at the Rome academy in 1998, and has been referenced in the international valuation guides since 2000.

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Anne Bachelier, 1949

Anne Bachelier is an French contemporary painter, printmaker, ballet designer and illustrator, known for working in the Surrealist style.
For more than 35 years, Bachelier has captured dreams on canvas.
She has been dubbed ‘art’s enchanting Scheherazade’ (Gallery and Studio), a reputation established through international exhibitions of an ever-growing gallery of sorceresses, chimeras and other mythical creatures.

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William Blake | Symbolist painter

Tigre! Tigre! divampante fulgore
Nelle foreste della notte,
Quale fu l'immortale mano o l'occhio
Ch'ebbe la forza di formare

La tua agghiacciante simmetria?
Amor non cerca di compiacer se stesso
Né per se stesso ha cura
Ma per un altro ogni favor rassegna
E il Cielo erige in un oscuro inferno.
William Blake 1757-1827 | British Romantic era Poet and painter
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Gianni Gueggia, 1956 | Expressionist painter

Italian painter Gianni Gueggia was born in Trenzano, Brescia, Italy in 1956. 
He began exhibiting his works since 1973. He has participated in numerous national and international awards and received many favors from the critics. Numerous solo and group exhibitions in which he exhibited his works, including at the Cultural Club "Don E. Verzeletti". Lives and works in Castrezzato - Brescia, Italy.
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Pasquale Celommi | A good catch

Pasquale Celommi (1851-1928) was an Italian painter, known for his outdoor scenes of Italian life. Celommi was born in Montepagano, Abruzzo, Italy in 1851.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Celommi see: Pasquale Celommi | Outdoor scenes of Italian life ➦