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Francois Lassere, 1960 | Oppositionist Art Movement

Born in Puy de Dôme, France, in 1960, François Lassere is a self-taught painter who practices several techniques. He was interested in hyperrealism for many years, then moved on to working in raw material, when a painter in Paris suggested to him to expand to new techniques.
Lassere then embarked on a new trend, which he calls “Oppositionism”. From this point on his work will mostly consist of highlighting heterogeneous styles to extract harmony from them. He was awarded a gold medal at the Rome academy in 1998, and has been referenced in the international valuation guides since 2000.

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Anne Bachelier, 1949

Anne Bachelier is an French contemporary painter, printmaker, ballet designer and illustrator, known for working in the Surrealist style.
For more than 35 years, Bachelier has captured dreams on canvas.
She has been dubbed ‘art’s enchanting Scheherazade’ (Gallery and Studio), a reputation established through international exhibitions of an ever-growing gallery of sorceresses, chimeras and other mythical creatures.

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William Blake | Symbolist painter

Tigre! Tigre! divampante fulgore
Nelle foreste della notte,
Quale fu l'immortale mano o l'occhio
Ch'ebbe la forza di formare

La tua agghiacciante simmetria?
Amor non cerca di compiacer se stesso
Né per se stesso ha cura
Ma per un altro ogni favor rassegna
E il Cielo erige in un oscuro inferno.
William Blake 1757-1827 | British Romantic era Poet and painter
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Gianni Gueggia, 1956 | Expressionist painter

Italian painter Gianni Gueggia was born in Trenzano, Brescia, Italy in 1956. 
He began exhibiting his works since 1973. He has participated in numerous national and international awards and received many favors from the critics. Numerous solo and group exhibitions in which he exhibited his works, including at the Cultural Club "Don E. Verzeletti". Lives and works in Castrezzato - Brescia, Italy.
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Pasquale Celommi | A good catch

Pasquale Celommi (1851-1928) was an Italian painter, known for his outdoor scenes of Italian life. Celommi was born in Montepagano, Abruzzo, Italy in 1851.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Celommi see: Pasquale Celommi | Outdoor scenes of Italian life ➦

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Pasquale Celommi | Outdoor scenes of Italian life

Pasquale Celommi (1851-1928) was born in Montepagano, Italy in 1851. Celommi showed an early interest in art and often drew in his home as a child. Celommi decided to receive academic training and moved Florence to study under Antonio Ciseri at the Academy of Florence.
Celommi was a strong student and often praised by his teacher Ciseri. Celommi started exhibiting his work in various regions of Italy. Celommi had a large exhibition in Turin and eventually in Rome.

Pasquale Celommi nel suo studio con la moglie, Giuseppina Giusti
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Odysseas Oikonomou, 1967 | Children portrait painter

Albanian-born Greek painter Odysseas Oikonomou /Οδυσσέας Οικονόμου was born in Dhuvjan, Albania to Greek parents.
He paints from the age of five years old.
At the age of 14 years old, ending eight-year primary school, and after double competition (in Gjirokaster, Berat,) wins a place in the Artistic Liceu "Ajet Xhindole" in Berat.
After a four-year studying, ending in 1985 with excellent the school.
His first teacher was the eminent painter Sotir Capo «Artist i Merituar».
In 1990 he graduated from the Pedagogical Institute of Gjirokastra «Eqerem Çabej».

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Craig Mooney | Abstract Landscape/ Figurative painter

Craig Mooney makes paintings of dramatic moments and heightened emotionality that are known for being expansive and expressive. Though a representational painter, the artist incorporates a myriad of abstract qualities throughout his paintings.
In his figurative work, Mooney romanticizes his subjects and presents them in an atmospheric lens that is best described as dreamlike.
His paintings appear to be capturing a moment suspended in time. While his work feels familiar, it is not specific. Rather it is, on a very basic level, symbolism of what could have been, has been or will be...