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Daniel Courbois | Romantic Impressionist painter

Daniel Courbois belongs to one of the finest Impressionist painters in France. His paintings are on show at Gallery France which is located in Beynac et Cazenac. Dordogne, France.
Daniel Courbois travels throughout France and paints his romantic paintings plein air but uses also sheds as atelier which he ​encounters on his travels.
Daniel is an eccentric who doesn't like promoting himself and he has no permanent place or residence.
During 2014 we discovered Daniel by accident while he was working in the Dordogne area. | © Gallery France

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Simeon Nijenhuis, 1969 | Impressionist painter

Simeon Nijenhuis is transforming reality, creating a metaphor, for him the main function of the visual arts. Simeon is also someone who paints from his feeling. From his inner urge he depict topics that fascinate him as vividly as possible. Often, captivating shades, fabric expressions or special light falling on an object, are the reason for making a painting.
Spontaneous and intuitive, he then gets to work to capture this atmosphere. Here he plays with an impressive variety of brushstrokes, subtle shades and textures in the paint. Continuing until the right dynamics versus harmony is found and the optimal power of expression is reached.

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Peter Fiore, 1955 | Abstract Landscape painter

Peter Fiore is an American landscape painter who is best known for painting light and his striking use of color. Previously, he worked as a professional illustrator where he collaborated on thousands of projects and won numerous awards. Today his landscape paintings are widely collected and are in many corporate and private collections. He has won numerous awards and has been featured in a number of publications including Fine Art Connoisseur as an "Artist to Watch".

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Vernon Ward | Edwardian Era painter

Vernon de Beauvoir Ward (1905-1985) was a 20th-century British painter and commercial artist noted for his works of flowers, birds and Edwardian subjects and who lived for most of his life in Hampstead in London.
  • Early life and education
He was born in Hampstead, the son of an art dealer, educated at St Joseph's Roman Catholic school in Highgate and trained at the Slade School of Art in London under Henry Tonks, Wilson Steer and Sir Walter Russell. He was the cousin of John Stanton Ward.

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Responsive design - La nuova veste grafica della Tutt'Art@

Nuova veste grafica per il sito internet della Tutt'Art@ | Pittura * Scultura * Poesia * Musica |per rispondere alle esigenze di un lettore sempre più esigente e preparato e per fare in modo che gli amanti dell'arte si riconoscano subito di essere a "casa".
La nuova veste grafica adotta un design responsive che si adatta in modo automatico ai vari dispositivi usati per la navigazione sul web, quali smatphone e tablet.
La TuttArt@, una Enciclopedia contemporanea bilingue (italiano ed inglese) offre agli artisti uno spazio web dove promuovere ed esportare la propria arte in tutto il mondo, con particolare riguardo alla alta qualità e la definizione delle immagini in formato printable.

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Tia Kee Woon 易其文, 1964 | Watercolour Cityscape painter

Tia Kee Woon is an artist from Singapore. He is famous through his technique of watercolor painting in acrylic environment. His painting style is very light and radiant, where the watercolors add the transparence to the picture, while acrylic make the colors look very deep. One can see the influence of Chinese and Japanese culture on his art.
His artworks bring out the vibrancy of acrylic medium while not losing the freshness and transparency of traditional watercolour. His choice of colours and delicate execution of the medium make his approach very suitable for complex landscape subject matters. In short, Jack Tia has reinvented watercolour with acrylic medium.

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Gérard Daran, 1946

Gérard Daran, born in Toulouse, is a French painter and draftsman.
He studied at the Beaux-Arts in Toulouse, Strasbourg and Paris, specializing in the figurative painting, particularly in the academic figure.
He has worked and lived in Paris since 1968.

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William Witherington | The Robin | Art in Detail

British School, mid 19th century, oil on canvas genre painting depicting a father and two children watching a robin in the lane a few feet away from their cottage doorstep.
William Frederick Witherington (26 May 1785 - 10 April 1865) was an British painter and academic. Born in London, he entered the Royal Academy Schools in 1805. Except for one year he exhibited annually at the Royal Academy from 1811 until his death. He was elected A.R.A. on 1 November 1830 and R.A. on 10 February 1840. He retired as an academician on 28 May 1863.