Babio Colussi was born at Trieste Italy, where he lives and works. An self-taught, as his style has been formed through the study of the great Triestine painters such as Barison, Zangrando, Flumiani and Grimani.
He paints his early watercolours at the age of four, his themes are landscapes, woods, and figures realized using wax crayons; later he approaches tempera and acrylics, and successively, in the early nineties, he paints oils on canvas and on board, now his favourite technique that he has never abandoned.
To make his paintings he draws inspiration from the sketches that he jots down in a notebook which he always has with him and that sometimes are implemented, as far as architectures are concerned, by photographic notes.
Colussi is present with his works in private collections in Italy and abroad -United States, Germany and Australia. He has exhibited at national and European level.