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Gino Romiti | Post-Macchiaioli painter

Gino Romiti (1881-1967) was born in Livorno, Italy, in a family of modest economic conditions, this does not prevent him from cultivating his passion for art.
Already at a young age he began to attend School Guglielmo Micheli, like many of his contemporaries Tuscan, where he was undoubtedly influenced by the great teacher inspires Giovanni Fattori.
Among his classmates there were some, as Llewelyn Lloyd, who became the leader of the interesting Post-Macchiaioli, consists of those who, although moving in directions autonomous artistic, always maintained a close relationship with the pictorial tradition of Tuscany.

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Leonardo da Vinci | Dello Scultore e del Pittore

Trattato della Pittura
Parte prima | Capitolo 35

Lo scultore ha la sua arte di maggior fatica corporale che il pittore, cioè piú meccanica, e di minor fatica mentale, cioè che ha poco discorso rispetto alla pittura, perché esso scultore solo leva, ed il pittore sempre pone; lo scultore sempre leva di una materia medesima, e il pittore sempre pone di varie materie.
Lo scultore solo ricerca i lineamenti che circondano la materia sculta, ed il pittore ricerca i medesimi lineamenti, ed oltre a quelli ricerca ombra e lume, colore e scorto, delle quali cose la natura ne aiuta di continuo lo scultore, cioè con ombra e lume e prospettiva, le quali parti bisogna che il pittore se le acquisti per forza d'ingegno e si converta in essa natura, e lo scultore le trova di continuo fatte.

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The Postcard Age | Retrò Pop-art style

Il Retrò (retrospettivo) è uno stile culturale che tende a dar rilievo a ciò che richiama le mode passate ed incentiva all'utilizzo di tutto ciò che attualmente è definito "d'epoca".
Lo stile che ora si chiama "Arte Retrò" è un genere di Pop Art sviluppata fra gli anni quaranta e cinquanta, in risposta al bisogno di una grafica audace ed accattivante, che fosse facile da riprodurre con dei torchi semplici. Ben distinguibile dallo stile moderno computerizzato, l'arte Retrò ha avuto un ritorno di popolarità grazie alle citazioni e parodie delle vecchie opere Pop Art.

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Amit Bhar, 1973 | Abstract Watercolor painter

Amit Bhar is a famous Indian watercolor painting artist.
Amit Bhar was born in Hooghly chinsurah (west Bengal). Even as a child his first love was art. At the age of sixteen while at the Calcutta Govt. Art College, Amit was blessed with the guidance of Shri Paresh Das, a noted artist and gold medallist. Subsequently he gained further insights into art under the famous Subal Jana and Niloy Ghosh, who together enriched his style. He was also inspired by Bikash Bhattacharya and Suhas Roy during his initial period.

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Alexei Antonov, 1957 | Still life painter

Aлексей Антонов: "I was born in Russia in 1957, and I've been trying both hands (I'm ambidextrous) at art ever since. I can remember my self from the age of two, and when I was three, I was the terror of my mother's make-up kit, as I loved to draw murals on the wallpaper with her lipstick.
All through my childhood I continued drawing, and in high school, though I left much to be desired in my other classes, I excelled in art and singing.
I think that I was not a good student in other areas, because I prefer to teach than to be taught. Eventually though, I learned to learn.
In 1972 I entered the State Art College in Baku, where impressionistic, realistic and abstract painting were taught...but no classical.

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Andre Kosslick | Romantic Digital painter

German artist Andre Kosslick belongs to the galaxy of contemporary masters of painting. He lives in the city of Schwedt, which is located in Brandenburg, Germany.
Painting is his hobby. On his canvases, mountain peaks pile up, rivers flow rapidly, the sea rages, the wind rustles in the branches of mighty trees. Occasionally, a sad or pensive female silhouette flashes against the background of magnificent nature.
Lyrics and romanticism are inherent in all the paintings of the modern master of landscape painting.

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Christian Fagerlund, 1973 | Realist Figurative painter

Christian Fagerlund was born in Ann Arbor, MI. He received his BA from the University of California - Santa Barbara in 1994 and his MFA from the New York Academy of Art in 2004, where he received the NYAA Postgraduate Fellowship.
In 2009, 2010, and 2011 he was artist-in-residence at Eden Rock Gallery on the island of St. Barths, French West Indies. Since 2004 his work has been shown both nationally and internationally in several solo and group exhibitions. He currently shows work with Arcadia Contemporary in Los Angeles and Winfield Gallery in Carmel, California.
Prior to his appointment at UNT, he served as adjunct instructor of Drawing and Painting at University of California - Berkeley Extension, Ohlone College in Fremont, CA, and The School of Classical Realism in Oakland, CA from 2007-2014. During this period he taught courses in: figure drawing/painting, anatomy for artists, still life, perspective, plein air landscape painting, and digital painting.

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Serge Marshennikov, 1971 | Realist / Figurative painter

Serge Marshennikov🎨 /Сергей Маршенников is an Russian painter🎨, known for working in the Realist style.
He was awarded🎨Chairman’s Choice Award” at the 2008/2009 International Art Renewal Center’s salon, and received Certificate of Excellence for his outstanding achievement in art.
He was chosen as “Top 30” in 2008 by the Portrait Society of America.
Born on May 30, 1971 in Ufa (Bashkiria, USSR), Serge Marshennikov was raised and educated in the USSR.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Marshennikov🎨 see: