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Kostas Rigoula Tsigris, 1954 | Symbolist /Figurative painter

Greek painter Kostas Rigoula - Tsigris /Κώστας Ρηγούλης - Τσίγκρης, was born at Megara. Began his studies at the Mathematics Department of the University of Athens but his love for the painting turned in other directions. He studied at the Athens School of Fine Arts, the teachers and D. Mitaras P. Tetsis.
In the early years of paintings dealt with almost all issues but mainly landscapes with scenes inspired by ancient sculptures and compositions where the dominant element was the human figure with realistic display.

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Inessa Morozova, 1981 | Plein air /Figurative painter

Инесса Морозова è nata nel 1981, Kherson, una città dell'Ucraina meridionale.
Nel 1998, si è laureata presso la Solntsevo Art school.
Nel 2004, si è laureata presso Humanitarian - Applied Institute, con la specializzazione "Designer di piccole forme".
Il tema preferito dei suoi dipinti - fiori e bambini.
Ha partecipato alla mostra-concorso "Mosca attraverso gli occhi dei giovane" ed alla mostra "Mosca sportiva" (2003).
E' vincitore della mostra-concorso "Mosca attraverso gli occhi dei giovani" e nel 2007, vince il primo premio nella mostra "Città e figli".
Nel 2008 partecipa alla mostra "I colori della vita" dedicata al mondo luminoso e sincero dei bambini.

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Hans Hassenteufel | Figurative painter

The German painter Hans Hassenteufel (1887-1943) was born in 1887 in Hamburg and studied with Rudolf Zeller in Hamburg, at the Painting School Walter Thor in Munich and at the Munich Academy under Peter Halm and Franz von Stuck.
His favorite subjects were portraits, figures, landscapes and still lives.
Hassenteufel died in 1943 in Munich.

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Angelo Asti | Pin-up Girls

Angelo Asti was an Italian painter, born in Milano in 1847 and died, relatively young in 1903, in Gorbio, Mentone - Italy.
Asti is known for his beautiful woman painted onto silks with Italian undertones.
Asti has also been deemed by some as an originator of the “Pin-up Girls”.
Asti immigrated to the United States in his thirties, where he first discovered his aptitude for illustration while working at a lithographic production facility in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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Chung Shek | Ballet dancers

Chung Shekh is a talented Dutch artist living in London. Chung Shek became interested in art during early childhood in the Netherlands and is largely self-taught. He began selling professional artwork by the time he had reached his mid-twenties and was strongly inspired by old masters such as Vermeer, Ingres and Bouguereau.

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David Agenjo, 1977 | Conceptual painter

Spanish-born artist David Agenjo is a self-taught artist living and working in London. After a brief career as a graphic designer, he now devotes himself entirely to painting. He has been exhibited in New York, London, Dublin and Madrid.
Unlike a lot of his contemporaries, he did not formally study fine art and has not become embroiled in an obsession with a conceptual avant-garde. Instead he is self-taught and self-supporting with his painting, a way of life he has been developing professionally for over eight years now.

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William Henry Barribal | Vintage Art Déco painter

William Henry Barribal (1874-1952) was a London artist who began his career as a lithographer before going on to study at the Académie Julian in Paris.
By the turn of the 20th century, Barribal had become an accomplished painter and designer. He created a series of images that were used on First World War recruitment posters in Great Britain.
During the 1920s and 1930s he created a range of posters for the Schweppes advertising campaign and in 1921 he was contracted to work for Waddingtons, producing work that was used for posters and later a series of playing cards, these works being keenly sought after today.
His bold Art Déco posters designed in 1920s and 1930s for the London and North Eastern Railway are also well known.

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Xiao Song Jiang, 1955 | En plein air /Palette Knife painter

Chinese-born Canadian painter Xiao Song Jiang (姜小松) was born in 1955, in Wuhan, China. In 1978 he studied fine arts at the China Academy of Art, formerly the Zhejiang Art Academy, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in 1982, then began lecturing watercolor at the City of Wuhan Construction College. Four years after, Song was selected to further develop his skill at the provincial Hubei Art Academy. During his time there, he accumulated years of experience, painting, sketching, and working for a refined grasp of color and technique.