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Maurice Utrillo | Paris painting

Maurice Utrillo, (born December 26, 1883, Paris, France-died November 5, 1955, Le Vésinet), French painter who was noted for his depictions of the houses and streets of the Montmartre district of Paris.
Born out of wedlock, Utrillo was the son of the model and artist Suzanne Valadon. His father was not known, and he was given his name by a Spanish art critic, Miguel Utrillo. He had no instruction as an artist apart from that given by his mother, who herself was untutored.
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Manuel Gil Perez (Spanish, 1925-1957)

Manuel Gil i Pérez was a painter.
He studied at the School of Fine Arts of Sant Carles in Valencia.
In 1951 he received a Count of Cartagena Scholarship with which he made brief stays in France and Italy.
After residing in the United Kingdom for a year, he took charge of the murals at the Ateneu Mercantil in Valencia.

In 1955 he participated in the first Autumn Salon.
In 1957 he founded the Parpalló Group together with Eusebi Sempere, Andreu Alfaro, Salvador SoriaAnd others

His painting can be framed within expressionism, abstraction and neofigurativism.

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Jorge Rosensvaig, 1951

Jorge Luis Rosensvaig was born in Barranquilla, Colombia.
He studied architecture at the Universidad Piloto de Colombia in Bogotá (1972-1974) and later Fine Arts at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (Argentina, 1975-1979).
He completes his education between 1976 and 1983 with the workshops "Drawing and color" - Workshop David Mansur, Drawing with David Loockharta in Barranquilla and Color with Arturo Ludueña in Buenos Aires.

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Anaïs Nin: L'amore non muore mai di morte naturale..

Ray of Hope by Vladimir Kush
L'amore non muore mai di morte naturale.
Muore perché noi non sappiamo come rifornire la sua sorgente.
Muore di cecità e di errori e tradimenti.
Muore di malattia e di ferite,
muore di stanchezza, per logorio o per opacità.

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David Shterenberg | Russian Avant-Garde Artist

David Petrovich Shterenberg / Давид Петрович Штеренберг (1881-1948) was a Ukrainian-born Russian painter and graphic artist. He was born to a Jewish family in Zhitomir, Ukraine. After studying art in Odessa, in 1906 he moved to Paris where he studied in the Académie Vitti in Montparnasse where he was taught, among others, by the painter Kees van Dongen. He lived in “La Ruche” where, at one time or other, there also lived Modigliani, Chagall and other artists. In Paris Shterenberg was influenced by the painting of Cézanne and by Cubism.
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Leonardo da Vinci | Qual è di maggior danno alla specie umana, o perder l'occhio o l'orecchio..

Trattato della Pittura- Parte prima /12

Maggior danno ricevono gli animali per la perdita del vedere che dell'udire, per piú cagioni; e prima, che mediante il vedere il cibo è ritrovato, donde si deve nutrire, il quale è necessario a tutti gli animali.
Il secondo, che per il vedere si comprende il bello delle cose create, massime delle cose che inducono all'amore, nel quale il cieco nato non può pigliare per l'udito, perché mai non ebbe notizia che cosa fosse bellezza di alcuna cosa.

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E. L. Doctorow | Quotes / Aforismi

  • Scrivere è un'esplorazione. Parti dal nulla, ed impari mentre procedi.
  • Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.
  • Pianificare di scrivere non è scrivere. Abbozzare, ricercare, parlare con le persone di quello che stai facendo, nessuna di queste cose è scrivere. Scrivere è scrivere. 
  • Planning to write is not writing. Outlining, researching, talking to people about what you're doing, none of that is writing. Writing is writing.
Salvador Dali🎨 - Book Transforming Itself into a Woman, 1940
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Leonardo Bazzaro | Naturalist painter

Leonardo Bazzaro (Milan, 1853-1937) was an Italian painter mainly of landscapes and interior vedute.
After picking up the basics in the studio of the painter Gaetano Fasanotti, Bazzaro enrolled at the Brera Academy in Milan, where he was awarded the Fumagalli Prize in 1875.
The following years saw a series of perspective views set in Milanese churches and mansions.