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Kim Roberti | Figurative painter

Kim Roberti was born and reared in the Southern region of Vietnam.
She immigrated to the United States in 1966 at the age of 16.
Since that time she has lived in many areas of the US and other countries around the world.
All the while, Kim had a love for art and longed to paint.

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Angela Mia De la Vega | Figurative sculptor

American Women Artists, recently presented two pretigious awards to Angela Mia De la Vega at its annual juried competition, this year at the K. Newby Gallery and Sculpture Garden in Tubac, Arizona. Hundreds of artists entered the competition from the U.S., Mexico and Canada; in the finals 61 paintings and drawings were chosen and 14 sculptures. An extraordinary panel including Gay Falkenberry, Star York, Stephanie Birdsall, Sharon Fullingim, Margret Short, Deborah Reeder, Curator of the Saint George Utah Art Museum, and K.Newby Gallery owner Kim Roseman judged the 15th Annual Awards Show. Angela's sculpture, Summer, received both Best in Show and Best 3-Dimensional Work Awards!
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Teresa Elliott, 1953 | Hyperrealist painter

Teresa Elliott was born in Weatherford, Texas. As a young adult she sketched portraits building a foundation for a career in the fine arts.
In 1976 while attending The University of Kansas she worked as a forensic sketch artist for the Lawrence Kansas Police Department.
After receiving her Bachelor of Fine Arts, Elliott returned to her native Texas where she spent 25 years as a leading freelance illustrator in Dallas. Word of her talents spread quickly after her figurative art appeared in projects for Neiman Marcus.

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Chen-Wen Cheng, 1964 | Realistic Watercolor painter

In 2014, Mr. Chen-Wen Cheng become finalist of World Watercolor Competition (France) and Winner of Golden Prize for his masterpiece "Loving Mother".
Master Chen-Wen Cheng  程振文 was born in 1964 in Taiwan Ping Dong County.
Mr. Chen-Wen Cheng received many prizes from Art Exhibitions in Taiwan during past years, which includes Tay-Yang Prize Winner, Tay-Yang Art Exhibition Winner, Chu Chien Prize Winner, Chu Chien Fine Art Exhibition First Prize etc.
As a Member of Chinese Asia-Pacific Watercolor Association, Chen-Wen Cheng was invited for many art exhibitions.
Some of his master pieces become the collection of national Museums and Universities.
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Constant Troyon | The Barbizon school of painters

Constant Troyon (Sèvres August 28, 1810 – February 21, 1865), French painter, was born in Sèvres, near Paris, where his father was connected with the famous manufactory of porcelain.
Troyon was an animal painter of the first rank, and was closely associated with the artists who painted around Barbizon. The technical qualities of his methods of painting are most masterly; his drawing is excellent, and his composition always interesting. It was only comparatively late in life that Troyon found his métier, but when he realized his power of painting animals he produced a fairly large number of good pictures in a few years.
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Fred Cuming RA, 1930 | Landscape painter

Fred Cuming is a Senior Royal Academician and, when elected RA in 1974, was the youngest member to be elected to the Royal Academy of Arts. His artistic career has spanned over sixty years so far, and he has created (and sold) a body of work of some 5,000 paintings. Particularly fascinated by the observation and depiction of light and atmosphere, Fred Cuming is now one of England's foremost and best-loved contemporary Landscape painters. 
Fred Cuming was born in 1930 in London and trained at the Sidcup School of Art between 1945-1949. After National Service he studied at the Royal College of Art for four years and was awarded the Abbey Travel Scholarship to visit Rome. In 1969 he was elected an Associate Member of the Royal Academy, becoming a full member in 1974. At that time, he was the yougest member ever elected. Fred has also been a member of the New English Art Club since 1960.
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Ludmila, 1958 | Surrealist painter

Lyudmila was born in Russia in 1958. Lives in Portugal since 1991.
She studied painting at Albuquerque Mendes, Porto.
Training seminars led by master Daniel Hompesch.
Drawing and painting course at SASI Art School in Florence and scientific illustration under the guidance of biologist and illustrator Fernando Correia.
Member of Portuguesde Art Fantastica - UTOPIA.
Ludmila's works have been acquired by collectors in Portugal, Italy, USA, Sweden, Russia, Germany.

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Maria Rita Pires, 1975 | Figurative and Paper sculptor

Maria Rita was born in Minde, Portugal, and felt her “fascination for clay” with only eleven years old. She began her studies in ceramics at ARCO - Center for Arts and Visual Communication (Centro de Artes e Comunicação Visual) in 1995, having concluded her degree in Ceramics and Art History in 1998.
She has developed her work in her own studio, and has participated in various interior design projects.
Her work is diversified using various materials, from porcelain to paper and cardboard, and includes the production of installations of mixed techniques.