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Albert Ryder | Tonalist / Symbolist painter

Albert Pinkham Ryder, (born March 19, 1847, New Bedford, Mass., U.S. - died March 28, 1917, Elmhurst, N.Y.), American painter, noted for his highly personal seascapes and mystical allegorical scenes.
About 1870 Ryder settled permanently in New York City, where he briefly studied painting. His formal training, however, did little to affect his early work, consisting largely of naive and idyllic landscapes. He made several short trips to Europe, but the paintings in art museums interested him little. He was an imaginative, solitary painter. His lifework of about 150 paintings was produced slowly; his works are, therefore, difficult to date with certainty.
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Eugène Carrière | Symbolist painter

Eugène Anatole Carrière (1849-1906) was a French Symbolist painter of the Fin de siècle period. His paintings are best known for their brown monochrome palette. He was a close friend of the sculptor Rodin and his work influenced Picasso. Some see traces of Carrière's monochrome style in Picasso's Blue Period.
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Aurélien Bigot / Richard Forestier | Abstract impressionist photography

A photo project titled "The Impressionist Windows" is the fusion between photography and painting, perfectly organic, without any editing. Photographer Richard Forestier collaborated with art director Aurélien Bigot to create “The Impressionist Experience”. The series tries to capture and turn real life into still images.

Bigot uses the key characteristics of famous painters: religious pose, antique drapery, etc.
If we recreate scenes with those elements and shoot them with this special technique that imitates the painting texture, we can bring together Impressionist art and photography creating the first impressionist photographs. This will lead the observer to doubt, unsure if faced with a painting or not, eventually realizing that it is indeed an absolutely unedited photograph”, explains the artist.
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Santiago Rusiñol i Prats | Modernist / Symbolist painter

Santiago Rusiñol i Prats (25 February 1861 - 13 June 1931) was a Spanish painter, poet and playwright. He was one of the leaders of the Catalan Modernisme movement.
He influenced Pablo Picasso as a Modern artist, and also left a number of Modernist buildings in Sitges, a town in Catalonia.

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Pietro Canonica

Pietro Canonica (Moncalieri, 1º marzo 1869 - Roma, 8 giugno 1959) è stato uno scultore e compositore italiano; fu nominato senatore a vita da Luigi Einaudi nel 1950 e nel 1958 presiedette l'Assemblea in qualità di presidente provvisorio.
Allievo dello scultore gannese Odoardo Tabacchi, a soli 17 anni vinse un premio per la sua statua intitolata Novizia, divenendo famoso subito per la sua capacità di realizzare sculture molto realistiche.
Altre sue opere principali sono: Lo scavatore, Le comunicande e la statua dedicata all'ultimo zar di tutte le Russie, andata distrutta durante la rivoluzione bolscevica del 1917-1918.

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Charles Leickert | Romantic Landscape painter

Landscapes and cityscapes were a very popular art form in the Netherlands during the nineteenth century. After the end of the French occupation in 1815, a new sense of pride emerged in all things Dutch.
In the fine arts, many artists rejected the more classical French landscape, aiming instead for Dutch landscape with rivers and windmills and looked back to the ‘Golden Age’ of the seventeenth century for inspiration. Charles Leickert (1816-1907) worked during this period and became known for his landscape and cityscape paintings.

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Robert Antoine Pinchon | Post-Impressionist painter

Claude Monet referred to him: "As a surprising touch in the service of a surprising eye".

Among Robert Antoine Pynchons' important works are a series of paintings of the River Seine, mostly around Rouen and landscapes depicting places in or near Upper Normandy.
Robert Antoine Pinchon (1886-1943) was a French Post-Impressionist landscape painter of the Rouen School- l'École de Rouen.
He was consistent throughout his career in his dedication to painting landscapes en plein air.

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Julio Larraz, 1944 | Surrealist/Figurative painter

Julio César Ernesto Fernandez Larraz was born in Havana, Cuba, on March 12 1944.
The son of a newspaper editor, he began drawing at a very early age.
In 1961 his whole family moved to Miami, Florida.
In 1962 they moved to Washington, DC and in 1964 to New York.