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Vail Oxley | Impressionist painter

Vail Oxley is a Beijing-based artist that creates impressionist style garden scenes.
Oxley prefers a country ambience reminiscent of Monet's Giverny paintings.
The artist's paintings are gentle themes; painted using a clear, bright palette and soft edged visual style.
Vail Oxley's work has become popular around the world.

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Ted Nuttall | Watercolour painter

A graduate of Colorado Institute of Art, Ted Nuttall is a figurative watercolorist whose painting expression was born out of his observation of people, his experience and travels as an illustrator for the United States Air Force, and a twenty-five year career in graphic design.
His work, as a designer, illustrator, and fine artist has won numerous national and regional awards.

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Santeri Salokivi | Impressionist painter

Toivo Santeri Salokivi (Turku, September 2, 1886 - Helsinki, March 26, 1940) was a Finnish painter and art teacher, known for his Impressionist style of landscapes.
Salokivi was also a graphic artist.
Salokivi studied at the Turku Drawing School between 1900-1904 and thereafter in Munich and Paris.
Salokivi's trip to Venice in 1911 was also significant for his artistic development.
Salokivi worked as a drawing teacher at the Turku School of Drawing and as a drawing teacher at the Finnish Classical and Real Lyceum from 1914-1917.

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Digital Art by Sergey Shaposhnikov

Sergey Shaposhnikov / Сергей Шапошников is an professional photographer from City of St. Petersburg.

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Alberto Giacometti | Surrealist sculptor

Giacometti, Alberto (1901-1966) - Sculptor, painter, draughtsman and printmaker, son of Giovanni Giacometti.

Early studies and works, to 1927

He began drawing around 1910-12, followed by painting and sculpting in 1913-15. While at secondary school in Schiers, near Chur (1914-19), he developed his drawing style primarily through portraiture.
In 1919-20 in Geneva he studied painting at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and sculpture at the Ecole des Arts et Métiers but was more impressed by subsequent visits to Italy (1920-21), where he worked without formal instruction.

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir - The Lovers, 1875

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Claude Gaveau, 1940 | Abstract painter

Claude Gaveau was born in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. Gaveau was almost born into art, as his grandfather was the creator of the green houses of the Jardin des Plantes in Paris.One of his uncles, Emile, was a painter and another, Marcel a cabinetmaker.
At the age of five he remembers the morning when Uncle Marcel put an easel, a canvas and a box of colors in his hands and together they both painted the landscape around geysers.
Claude Gaveau seems to talk about birth date as it was from that day on, when painting became a necessity for him.

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Gioia Cordovani - Portrait painter

Gioia Cordovani is an talented Italian painter born in Tanzania. Lives and works in Rome. Since the 80s and up to 2006 she worked as a fashion designer and costume designer. Cordovani like to dig souls characters, leaving the viewer task to find the source through which the inner world of the woman comes out: look, shadow, light, or any other part of her image. The artist expresses himself through mixed techniques, more often, on the basis of acrylic.

Gioia Cordovani nasce in Tanzania ma la sua estrazione artistica ha radici in Toscana, dove ha conseguito la maturità al liceo artistico, per poi frequentare l’Accademia di Moda e Costume a Roma, dove attualmente risiede e opera. Dagli anni 80 fino agli anni 2006 la sua professione è quella di designer di moda, e costumista teatrale. Ha partecipato a varie rappresentazioni pittoriche collettive e personali nella città di provenienza e non solo, tra le quali l’esposizione al Museo s. Paolo di Roma.
Nel 2010 varie pubblicazioni sulla rivista Arte e Cultura “ContemporArt”. Molte soddisfazioni ha avuto nelle molteplici mostre effettuate, e oggi molte sue opere fanno parte di collezioni private. Nel suo percorso ha sempre sperimentato varie tecniche pittoriche cercando di dare sempre un effetto materico, tutto questo per soddisfare la propria esigenza primaria che è la sperimentazione pittorica. Sviluppa una sua personalissima ricerca estetica emozionale, dove ogni suo quadro è narrazione di attimi di vita, dove il corpo di una donna è protagonista del mondo e delle proprie emozioni. Le piace scavare l’anima, lasciando il compito a chi guarda di trovare, da uno sguardo, da un ombra, una luce, tutto un mondo interiore. Il suo mondo pittorico viene cosi a costruirsi in una sorta di spazio dinamico, dove la linea e il colore si fondono in modo essenziale. Dove c'è tenerezza profonda e passione.
2014, Velletri - In concomitanza alla Notte Bianca di Velletri, presso i locali dell'ex liceo artistico Cederna, si è concluso il Premio Nazionale "La Pallade Veliterna". Nella sera del 4 ottobre 2014, il Presidente dell'Associazione, Alessandro Filippi, ha consegnato la tessera sociale agli artisti che erano presenti, conferendo anche premi e attestati di partecipazione. Tra i più importanti, ricordiamo i seguenti: Premio "Città di Velletri" a Valerio Capoccia che, nonostante le difficoltà del tempo, continua ad utilizzare il marmo per le sue opere; II Premio "Francesco Caracciolo Ginnetti" ad Alessio De Paolis e a Damiano Calcari, per la loro maestria nel saper maneggiare l'argilla come fosse cioccolata; II Premio "Donna Herrnniette Kellerman" ad Alberto Bastianelli perché ha saputo far rivivere la sua amata Velletri attraverso i colori.
Il Premio "Cardinale Marzio Ginnetti" è andato a Gioia Cordovani, artista ritrattista; mentre il "Grappolo Artistico 2014" è stato conferito a Caterina Perdicaro, molto vicina, nelle sue opere, a quelle del Ciancia. /Castellinews.it