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Giorgio De Chirico | Arte e pensiero

  • Un'opera d'arte per divenire immortale deve sempre superare i limiti dell'umano senza preoccuparsi né del buon senso né della logica.
  • L'arte deve creare sensazioni sconosciute in passato; spogliare l'arte dal comune e dall'accettato... sopprimere completamente l'uomo quale guida o come mezzo per esprimere dei simboli, delle sensazioni, dei pensieri, liberare la pittura una volta per tutte dall'antropomorfismo... vedere ogni cosa, anche l'uomo, nella sua qualità di cosa.

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Arthur Schopenhauer: "..Le anime affini si salutano già da lontano"

Quelli che si amano e che sono nati gli uni per gli altri,
si incontrano facilmente:
le anime affini
si salutano già da lontano.

Lynn Noelle Rushton
Lynn Noelle Rushton

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Elena Drobysheva, 1976

Елена Дробышева is an Ukrainian painter, known for working with Watercolor in the Figurative style. Дробышева was born on 1976 in Ukraine, Russia.

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Jacques Guignard, 1946 | French Surrealist painter

French painter Jacques Guignard “J.G” paints his first work at the age of 15. He studies at the renowned school l'École des Beaux Arts in Paris and as did Le Corbusier, follows the 2 careers of architect and painter.
With the turn of the century, comes his inspiration to transpose the world into a floral expression. Through a work rich in colors and precise in shapes and forms, “J.G” leads us a more detached look at the world around us. Our imagination wonders through his painting to sometimes reach poetry.

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Elena Shlegel, 1965 | Romantic painter

"An artist lives partially in a dream - just like a poet does. I strive to reflect something impossible to exist…to allow an audience to see beyond the reality, to make up its own fairy-tale, to become a participator and a creator. And thus to feel happy for a moment…" says Elena Shlegel.

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Jeff Nishinaka, 1981 | Paper sculpture

American sculptor - a third-generation Japanese American born and living in Los Angeles - Jeff Nishinaka is the world’s premier Paper sculptor with a prolific career that spans 30 years.
Nishinaka attended UCLA and graduated from the prestigious Art Center College of Design, where he first experimented with paper art and sculpture. Nishinaka’s commercial portfolio includes Bloomingdale’s, Galeries Lafayette, Le Bon Marché, Credit Suisse, Polo Ralph Lauren, Pfizer, Sprint, The Peninsula Hotel, Visa, Penn State University, Paramount Pictures and Coca Cola among others.

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Gaston La Touche | Post-impressionist painter

French painter Gaston La Touche (1854-1913) post-impressionist painter, draughtsman and pastellist was a leading colorist of the late nineteenth/early twentieth centuries, who associated with all the important artists of the period.
He was close friends with many of the Impressionists, but chose to follow an independent path in both technique and subject matter.
His extraordinary imagination revealed itself in his wonderful depictions of monkeys, fetes, balls, theatrical subjects and interiors, all tinged with a wry sense of humor.

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Igor Zenin, 1948 | Dreaming Spirit

Moldovan Photographer Igor Zenin has been a photographer for over 45 years.
His work is well known in Europe far beyond the borders of his home country the Republic of Moldova.
A talented photographer's lens captured a lot of significant events and famous people, including visit to Moldova of the first man in space cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin back in 1966.
In 2007 over 80 works exhibited in Strasbourg during the winter session of PACE.
Later works of Igor Zenin appeared on covers of several editions of the Council of Europe.