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Jean-Claude Campana, 1941 | It's Carnival time

Jean-Claude Campana is an French painter, who has been painting for more than thirty years, started his career by exhibiting together with Baboulène, Buffet, Hilaire, Brayer...
The approach of these Masters encourages the talent of Campana, who already in his youth, builds up a strong character.
Strengthened by his expérience in surrealism, symbolism and realism, Jean-Claude Campana has been devoted to Venice since about a fifteen years, in a very personal style.

Jean-Claude Campana 1941 | French painter | Carnival of Venice

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Vito Loli, 1954 ~ Figurative painter

Vito Loli, Peruvian painter, is a self-made artist who knows how to effectively combine various techniques and materials to depict his passion for nature and women figures. Besides, he is committed to fighting for environmental sustainability, particularly in his country, Peru, which has the largest biodiversity in the world in its many species. Most of his work merges these two passions, achieving very personal images, full of magic and a direct and provoking message. Through his work, the artist shares his introspective journey, using nature as a metaphor.
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Jean-Baptiste Valadié, 1933

Jean-Baptiste Valadie', French painter, was born on 29th December 1933 and has a diploma in applied art. Since 1970, his passion for travelling has taken him all over the world and the regularly exhibits in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan, as well as in France and Europe. "The work of art is first and foremost the result of fantasy, dreams, irrationality and sensuality". Several monographs have been dedicated to this major artist specialising in women who also works in lithography, engraving, tapestry, sculpture.
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Samantha Keely Smith | oul of the City

Samantha Keely Smith, American painter, working and living in New York.
Her art represents a striving to reconcile the inner world of instinct and the tidal sweep of our emotional life, with an external world that is both beautiful and hostile in its natural grandeur.
Samantha Keely Smith's paintings are landscapes that play at the edge of abstraction, blurring between light-filled fields and non-objective compositions.

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Jessilyn Park ~ Symphony of the Soul

Jessilyn Park, American painter, has gone from first time painter in Orlando to internationally recognized, award-winning Artist. She's appearing all over the web, in art festivals, magazine covers and big local events. Her art is well sought after and has caught the eye of many collectors. Jessilyn uses bright colors and likes to capture “love and light”.
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Adrian Chesterman, 1955 ~ Fantastic Realism illustrator

Born in London of Scottish descent, Adrian Chesterman, British painter and illustrator, was educated at the William Harvey School in Kent. It was here that he first discovered his burning passion for the visual arts. This flame was further fanned by Rochester College of Design and subsequently at Norwich School of Art where he gained an honorary Bachelor of Arts degree and a place at the Royal College of Art in London for a post-graduate, Master-of-Arts, degree course. Since leaving college, Chesterman has worked in just about every sphere of the two- dimensional art world; Illustrator, portraitist, oil painting, fine artist, lecturer and gallery owner. He is currently living, and painting like a man possessed, in Andalucia. Spain.
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James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903)

James Abbott McNeill Whistler - pittore Americano, nacque a Lowell, nel Massachusetts.
Nel 1843 suo padre si trasferì con la famiglia in Russia, per lavorare alla linea ferroviaria San Pietroburgo, Mosca.
Nel 1849, alla morte del padre, Whistler tornò negli Stati Uniti con la madre e nel 1851 entrò nella scuola militare di West Point, che abbandonò nel 1854 per dedicarsi al disegno ed all'incisione.

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Chris Jordan, 1963 ~ Intollerabile bellezza

Con delle bizzarre e monumentali fotografie a colori vivaci, immagini e composizioni suggestive, il fotografo Americano Chris Jordan, denunzia gli effetti della società consumistica improntata ad un frenetico "usa-e-getta", come l'uccello morto, in stato di decomposizione e con la pancia piena zeppa di plastica, che l’uccello ha probabilmente mangiato scambiandolo per cibo!