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Jessilyn Park ~ Symphony of the Soul

Jessilyn Park, American painter, has gone from first time painter in Orlando to internationally recognized, award-winning Artist. She's appearing all over the web, in art festivals, magazine covers and big local events. Her art is well sought after and has caught the eye of many collectors. Jessilyn uses bright colors and likes to capture “love and light”.
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Adrian Chesterman, 1955 ~ Fantastic Realism illustrator

Born in London of Scottish descent, Adrian Chesterman, British painter and illustrator, was educated at the William Harvey School in Kent. It was here that he first discovered his burning passion for the visual arts. This flame was further fanned by Rochester College of Design and subsequently at Norwich School of Art where he gained an honorary Bachelor of Arts degree and a place at the Royal College of Art in London for a post-graduate, Master-of-Arts, degree course. Since leaving college, Chesterman has worked in just about every sphere of the two- dimensional art world; Illustrator, portraitist, oil painting, fine artist, lecturer and gallery owner. He is currently living, and painting like a man possessed, in Andalucia. Spain.
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James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903)

James Abbott McNeill Whistler - pittore Americano, nacque a Lowell, nel Massachusetts.
Nel 1843 suo padre si trasferì con la famiglia in Russia, per lavorare alla linea ferroviaria San Pietroburgo, Mosca.
Nel 1849, alla morte del padre, Whistler tornò negli Stati Uniti con la madre e nel 1851 entrò nella scuola militare di West Point, che abbandonò nel 1854 per dedicarsi al disegno ed all'incisione.

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Chris Jordan, 1963 ~ Intollerabile bellezza

Con delle bizzarre e monumentali fotografie a colori vivaci, immagini e composizioni suggestive, il fotografo Americano Chris Jordan, denunzia gli effetti della società consumistica improntata ad un frenetico "usa-e-getta", come l'uccello morto, in stato di decomposizione e con la pancia piena zeppa di plastica, che l’uccello ha probabilmente mangiato scambiandolo per cibo!

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Alina Sibera ~ Figurative painter

Alina Sibera, Polish painter, graduated Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Faculty of Graphic Arts in Katowice. Graduated in 1977 from book illustrations and graphic design planning. Deals mainly with painting, drawing and pastel. He is a member of the Association of Polish Pastel. Since 1979 he had 14 solo exhibitions and 36 group exhibitions at home and abroad.
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Dima Dmitriev, 1974 | Impressionist painter

Дима Дмитриев, Russian painter, was born in Moscow and is the second generation of artists in his family. He moved to Prague, Czech Republic, where he graduated from the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design. As his paintings gained attention and praise at fine art exhibitions throughout Europe, Dima became one of the most talked about young artists living in Prague’s flourishing artistic community. Dmitriev has participated in solo and group exhibitions in Europe, North America and Asia.

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Lyubomir Kolarov, 1959 | Abstract painter

Lyubomir Kolarov born in Rousse, Bulgaria in 1959.
Lives and works in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Artworks in many private collection is USA, Germany.

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Francois Gerome | La Belle Époque

Francois Gerome, French painter, was born in Paris in 1895. Is best known for his impressionist scenes of young women in Paris and scenes of Paris at the turn of the last century. Similar in style and technique to the work of Edouard Cortes, Galien-Laloue and Antoine Blanchard, Gerome has strong auction records. Gerome used oils, typically on canvas or on board. Gerome typically signed his paintings with his first initial and last name.