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Mustafa Özbakir, 1982

Mustafa Özbakir, Turkish painter, was born in Adana. He graduated from the workshop of Cebrail Ötgün in the Faculty of Fine Arts at Mersin University in 2005. In the same year, he won a merit award in the 66th State Painting and Sculpture Competition. In 2006, he received first prize in the Second Painting Competition, which was held in the name of mayor in Ümraniye. In 2008, he received a merit award in the 69th State Painting and Sculpture Competition. Currently, Özbakır continues to paint at his workshop in Adana.

Mustafa Özbakır 1982 | Turkish Portrait painter
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Carl Heinrich Bloch | Post-Romantic painter

Carl Heinrich Bloch (May 23, 1834 - February 22, 1890) was a Danish painter.
He was born in Copenhagen, Denmark and studied with Wilhelm Marstrand at the Royal Danish Academy of Art (Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi) there.
Bloch's parents wanted their son to enter a respectable profession - an officer in the Navy.
This, however, was not what Carl wanted.

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Kay Ruane, 1956 | Outside the window

Kay Ruane is an American painter.
For years I've been drawing figures inside a room with micro landscapes out the windows. I think of the drawings as dioramas, or tiny graphite worlds.
At first these drawings were formal in imagery, as well as strictly black and white. Recently, I'm paying a lot more attention to details like the kind of flower, the title of a book on the table or a painting on the wall.
I want these details to relate to specific themes in each drawing, with a dose of humor and sexuality.

Kay Ruane 1956 ~ American painter | Outside the window

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Gil Bruvel, 1959 | Visionary painter / sculptor

Award winning🎨 painter Gil Bruvel creates works of art with quality reminiscent of the Old Masters in a distinct Visionary style. Born in Sydney, Australia, Gil Bruvel's French-born parents moved the family back to the south of France when he was 4 years old.
Gil's father, being a cabinetmaker, introduced the budding artist to the inner workings of a wood workshop including furniture design, its practical function, and every aspect of hand crafting each piece.
Thereafter he set up his studio in St. Remy de Provence until 1986 when he first made his way to the United States, making it his permanent residence in 1990.
At that time he started to experiment more with sculptures in bronze, mixed media and digital modeling as well as continuing to learn about creative processes in artistic expression.
He is currently creating functional art, sculptures and paintings.
Gil Bruvel has been exhibiting his work since 1974 in various places around the world and including: France, Monaco, England, Denmark, The Netherlands, Hungary, Japan, Singapore, New York, Florida, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Hawaii.
His work has received many awards and his collectors span the globe.

Gil Bruvel 1959 | Australian-born French Visionary painter

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Santiago Carbonell, 1960

Born in Quito, Carbonell, Ecuadorian painter, emigrated to Mexico in 1986.
Carbonell studied painting in Barcelona and was part of a group of young painters influenced by informalism.
Tàpies was an influential figure for him.
Tachism and working with different materials, accidents, chance, and texture are all highly influential in his works.

Santiago Carbonell 1960 | Realist and Visionary painter

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Kahlil Gibran: "Sulla conoscenza"..

E un uomo disse:
Parlaci della Conoscenza.

E lui rispose dicendo:
Il vostro cuore conosce nel silenzio i segreti dei giorni e delle notti.
Ma il vostro orecchio è assetato dal rumore di quanto il cuore conosce.
Vorreste esprimere ciò che avete sempre pensato.
Vorreste toccare con mano il corpo nudo dei vostri sogni.

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter

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Adam Martinakis, 1972 | Surrealist Digital painter

Polish painter Adam Martinakis was born in Lubań. Since 1982 lives and works in Athens, Greece.
Studied in T.E.I. Of Athens, Faculty of Interior Architecture, Decorative Arts and Industrial Design.
Since 2000 has been working on digital arts: digital image, 3D animation, graphics, web design, video and multimedia.
Since 2006 is teaching digital graphics on Hellenic American Educational Foundation, Athens College.

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Luci d'Inverno | I paesaggi Led di Giappone

Uno dei posti più belli del Giappone è sicuramente il giardino botanico Nabano No Sato dell’isola Negashima, un giardino fiorito con delle giganti serre, che si trova nel quartiere di Kuwana città.
Durante i mesi invernali, in occasione del Festival Invernale delle Luminarie, il parco ed il famoso tunnel della luce, vengono illuminati da decorazioni, milioni di Led, luci e colori che creando dei spettacolari paesaggi, mentre il cielo si illumina di vari arcobaleni. Quest'anno il festival sarà aperto fino al 31 marzo del 2013.

Japan's Winter Lights Festival