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Kirk Reinert, 1955 | Fantasy painter

Kirk Reinert is an American master in the genres of Fantasy, horror, and science fiction. Kirk discovered that drawing was a natural talent at a very early age having been introduced to art by his grandfather, a sports cartoonist for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and his uncle, an animator.
Kirk graduated from Cooper School of Art with a degree in production art and design but is a self-taught painter. Upon graduation, he worked in advertising as an illustrator and designer and after 3 1/2 years went on to establish his own studio in 1981.

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Frankief | Abstract Fractal Art

Frankief | Abstract Fractal Art

Frankief, real name Frankie, is an American Abstract Digital painter.
Frankief from Watkins Colorado, is known for her amazing 3D Fractal artwork.

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Karl Kaufmann | Landscape painter

Karl Kaufmann (1843-1902) started his artistic education at the Academy of Vienna. He subsequently travelled through European countries, such as Norway, the Netherlands, Germany or Italy.
Kaufmann developed a sensitive feeling for environments and atmospheres, which helped him to specialise in landscape and architectural painting.
One special feature of his oeuvre is his habit to sign his works with pseudonyms.
For instance, the names 'B. Lambert', 'Charles Marchand' or 'C. Charpentier' are well-known signatures by Kaufmann. The majority of his works belongs to private collections.

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Louise Rayner | Watercolour Cityscape painter

Louise Rayner 1832-1924 - British Cityscapes Watercolor painter

Louise Ingram Rayner (21 June 1832 - 8 October 1924) was a British** watercolour artist.
  • Family
Rayner was born in Matlock Bath in Derbyshire. Her parents Samuel Rayner and Ann Rayner (née Manser) were both noted artists, Samuel having been accepted for exhibition at the Royal Academy when he was 15. Four of Louise's sisters - Ann ("Nancy"), Margaret, Rose and Frances - and her brother Richard were also artists.

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Pablo Picasso: "Non giudicare sbagliato ciò che non conosci.."

❝Non giudicare sbagliato ciò che non conosci, prendi l'occasione per comprendere!❞

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Dante Gabriel Rossetti | The Sonnet / Il sonetto

The Sonnet

A Sonnet is a moment's monument,-
Memorial from the Soul's eternity
To one dead deathless hour. Look that it be,
Whether for lustral rite or dire portent,
Of its own intricate fulness reverent:
Carve it in ivory or in ebony,
As Day or Night prevail; and let Time see
Its flowering crest impearled and orient.

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Juarez Machado | Le serigrafie

Juarez Machado è un pittore Brasiliano, noto per le sue Figure in Art Déco style.
Parte della sua produzione sono anche le Serigrafie che vi presento.
Oltre a dedicarsi alla pittura, è anche scultore, disegnatore, caricaturista, mimo, designer, scenografo, scrittore, fotografo e attore.
Nel 1954 si trasferisce a Curitiba, dove s'iscrive alla Scuola di Musica e Belle Arti di Paraná.

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D'Annunzio / Antonio Sgarbossa | Rimani / Stay!

Rimani! Riposati accanto a me.
Non te ne andare.
Io ti veglierò. Io ti proteggerò.
Ti pentirai di tutto fuorchè d'essere venuto a me, liberamente, fieramente.
Ti amo. Non ho nessun pensiero che non sia tuo;
non ho nel sangue nessun desiderio che non sia per te.
Lo sai. Non vedo nella mia vita altro compagno, non vedo altra gioia
Riposati. Non temere di nulla.
Dormi stanotte sul mio cuore....
Gabriele D'Annunzio (1863-1938) Scrittore, poeta, drammaturgo, militare, politico e giornalista italiano.