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Vladimir Kush, 1965 | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism
The Founder of Metaphorical Realism, Vladimir Kush once showed enthusiasm for the German Romanticism of Caspar Friedrich, admired works of the Impressionists from Édouard Manet to Vincent van Gogh and Paul Cézanne, and took interest the Russian Symbolists, Kandinski, Petrov-Vodkin and Filonov. From reproductions, Vladimir, for the first time, learned about Surrealist painters - René Magritte and Salvador Dali. But Vladimir sought his own direction, his own creative method.Vladimir remembered a percept given by Dali: “Any rewarding painting is grasp and retention of the Unknown”. But, in order to retain the Unknown, one should, first and foremost, perfect his skill. Only then is it possible to represent even the most amazing dream.
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Victor Bregeda, 1963 | Surrealist painter

Victor Viktorovich Bregeda /Виктор Викторович Брегеда is an Russian painter working in the surrealism* and metarealism styles.
He was born in the Russian city of Taganrog into a family of painters. He was attracted by the Dutch school of painting.

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Arrivano gli Emoticons nei commenti di Facebook

Arrivano finalmente anche nei commenti di Facebook le faccine/smile/emoticons.
Ora, non solo nella chat, ma anche nei commenti sugli stati dei nostri amici avremo la possibilità di inserire facilmente gli smile e gli emoticons che tanto ci piacciono. Infatti, grazie alle faccine, i commenti di Facebook sono diventati più colorati e belli da leggere.

Facebook Emoticons - Tutt'Art@Facebook Emoticons - Tutt'Art@
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Iman Maleki, 1976 ~ Realist painter

Iman Maleki, Iranian painter, was born on 1976 in Tehran. He has been fascinated by the art of painting since he was a child. At the age of 15, he started to learn painting under the mastery of his first and only teacher - Morteza Katouzian - who is the greatest realist painter of Iran. Meanwhile, he began to paint professionally. In 1999 he graduated in Graphic Design from the Art University of Tehran. Since 1998, he has participated in several exhibitions.
Iman Maleki 1976 | Iranian Realist painter
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José Parra, 1975 | Surrealist painter

José Parra 1975 | Mexican Surrealist painter

José Parra, Mexican painter, was born in Guadalajara Jal. Mexico on Jan. 29th 1975.
He started as an apprentice at his father’s studio in Guadalajara at the age of 16, where he was able to develop his own compositions always influenced by the Spanish baroque sculpture, paintings and furniture manufactured at the family’s studio.
He lived in Puerto Vallarta for short periods of time during 1998-1999, where he was able to begin a more personal style at first influenced by surrealism but blending it with Mexican elements like “Talavera”.

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Yo Coquelin | Fantastic and Visionary painter

Yo Coquelin, French painter, lives and works in Paris.
Since 1978, her paintings have been featured at major Contemporary Art Shows in Paris as well as individual and group exhibitions throughout France and internationally.
I would like my paintings to merge what has been, what is and what will be, between CHAOS and HARMONY”.
Yo is Sociétaire of ‘Salon d’Automne’, ‘Salon des Artistes Français’ and the Taylor Foundation, French artists associations.
She is a member of the ‘Musée de l’Imaginaire’, in Ferrieres’ castle, near Paris.

Yo Coquelin | French Fantastic and Visionary painter

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George Tsui, 1950 | Romantic painter

Chinese-born American painter George Tsui was born in Hong Kong and moved to New York in the late 60s, studying first at the School of Visual Arts and later majoring in oil painting at the Art Students League while working at NBC, he was awarded the prestigious 1997 Emmy Award for Best Individual Art and Craft.
Included in his works of that period are some movie posters, also several paintings chosen for the 1984 Winter Olympics poster series, as well as limited edition art prints for the 1985-1986 "Night of 100 Stars” event for a tribute to The Centennial of The Actor’s Fund of America, the original art work with 100 celebrities signatures was owned by ABC Television Corp.

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Espressionismo figurativo di Fidel Garcia, 1960

Fidel Garcia ~ Mexican Figurative and Abstract Expressionist painter

""L'arte esprime l'anima dell'umanità nel nostro comune viaggio attraverso i secoli". - Fidel Garcia

Nato a Città del Messico, Fidel Garcia è un pittore e creatore autodidatta.
All'età di sette anni, l'abilità artistica di Garcia divenne evidente a suo padre, un artista lui stesso, che incoraggiò e sostenne la sua passione per la creatività.
Ha sviluppato uno stile dimensionale internazionale unico che è fantasiosamente intriso del potere visivo di artisti rinascimentali come il maestro barocco spagnolo Diego Velazquez, il maestro americano John Singer Sargent, il maestro francese William Bouguereau, il maestro surreale spagnolo Salvador Dali ed il maestro di design austriaco Gustav Klimt.