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Renzo Verdone (1939-2011) | Symbolist painter

Nato a Roma, giovanissimo lascia l'Italia e matura la sua preparazione artistica a stretto contatto con i gruppi sperimentali delle Gewerbeschule di Berna e di Zurigo, dove compie accurati studi di ricerca figurativa, scultura e nudo. Perviene ad un grado di sintesi in cui tensione spirituale e situazione umana si contrappongono dinamicamente in una visione che presenta palpiti di tenera umanità e sensazioni di raffinato ed impietoso verismo.

Renzo Verdone 1939 | Italian Symbolist painter

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André Savy ~ Santorini Walkway

French painter André Savy creates inviting scenes featuring the crisp white-washed architecture of Mykonos, Santorini and other Greek islands of the Cyclades against the mythic blues of the Aegean region. These islands and their gentle leisurely pace of life have offered artistic inspiration to the artist on his frequent visits to capture the unique clarity of the Aegean light.
André Savy | French Landscape painter | Santorini Walkway
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John Bradshaw Crandell | Pin-Up painter

John Bradshaw Crandell (1896-1966) was an American painter and illustrator, was known as the artist of the stars, a glamour painter.
Among those who posed for Crandell were Carol Lombard, Bette Davis, Judy Garland, Veronica Lake and Lana Turner.
In 1921 he began his career with an ad for Lorraine hair nets sold exclusively by F. W. Woolworth.

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Edwin Lord Weeks ~ Academic painter

Edwin Lord Weeks [1849-1903] was born at Boston, Massachusetts. He was a pupil of Léon Bonnat and of Jean-Léon Gérôme, at Paris. He made many voyages to the East, and was distinguished as a painter of oriental scenes. Weeks' parents were affluent spice and tea merchants from Newton, a suburb of Boston and as such they were able to accept, probably encourage, and certainly finance their son's youthful interest in painting and travelling.
Edwin Lord Weeks 1849-1903 | American Academic painter | Oriental scenes
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Janice Darr Cua | Ladies and horses

Whether exercising her powers to capture the spirit of Arabians, the romance of the Renaissance, classic sensuality of femininity, or the universal bond between mother and child, Janice Darr Cua delivers striking depth and passion.
Paintings that radiate a glow that mesmerizes the viewer, a comforting warmth which evokes the passion within all.
Her work can be seen in select galleries around the world, with over thirty sell-out shows abroad as well as dozens of American exhibitions.
Cua is a sure stock, an intelligent investment as her popularity, technique, and price point increases in favor.

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Fernand Toussaint | Still Life

Fernand Toussaint (1873-1956)🎨 rightfully takes his place among the most important Belgian Post-Impressionist painters of the 20 th century.
With his refined taste and sensitivities, Toussaint also excelled as a painter of flowers🎨 e had a particular predilection for roses, often in full bloom, but more modest and even fragile flowers such as pansies and sweet peas were depicted with the same delicate attention and emotion.

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Haixia Liu, 1962 | Impressionist painter

Haixia Liu was born to a family of artists in Hubei Province, China.
Encouraged and instructed by his father and grandfather, he began to draw at very early age.
He did decorative painting for local businesses at age 12.
Between 1981-1983 Liu chose to learn graphic design at the Hubei Industry Institute.

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La Fontana di Trevi ~ Roma Barocca e Rococò

La Fontana di Trevi è la più grande ed una fra le più note e più scenografiche fontane di Roma, ed è considerata all'unanimità una delle più celebri fontane del mondo. La settecentesca fontana, progettata da Nicola Salvi e adagiata su un lato di Palazzo Poli, è un connubio di classicismo e barocco. Fu iniziata da Nicola Salvi, il quale vinse il concorso indetto da papa Clemente XII, nel 1732 e completata nel 1762 da Giuseppe Pannini.
La Fontana di Trevi 1732-1762 | Roma Barocca e Rococò