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Maria Kreyn, 1987 | Figurative painter

Russian**-born painter Maria Kreyn** /Марии Крейн focuses primarily on the figure - on gesture, light, intimate space and intricacies of the human expression.
She emulates old master techniques and textures, to honor the history of painting and the pursuit of beauty.
What perhaps originates in the anachronism, or nostalgia of glory gone reveals itself as the utmost relevant: the human and timeless.

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Alexey Rychkov, 1968 | Impressionist painter

Алексей Рычков graduated from St.Petersburg Academy of Art and design 1993.
At first time of his studies, Alexey already starts to cooperate with art galleries of Finland, Poland and Prague.
In 1995 he was invited to Paris, where during four and a half years he created over 100 works, which were successfully sold by the auctions and on the exhibitions of Russian art in Paris.

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Friedrich Nietzsche / Michael Bilotta ~ Quotes /Gli aforismi

  • Le convinzioni sono nemiche della verità più pericolose delle menzogne.
  • Un uomo appare ricco di carattere molto più spesso perché segue sempre il suo temperamento, che non perché segue sempre i suoi principi.
  • È prerogativa della grandezza rendere molto felici con piccoli doni.
  • L'irrazionalità di una cosa non è affatto una ragione contro la sua esistenza, ma piuttosto una condizione di questa.
  • Oggi nessuno muore di verità mortali: ci sono troppi antidoti.
  • Non esiste alcuna armonia prestabilita tra il favorire la verità e il bene dell'umanità.
  • Chi pensa profondamente sa di aver sempre torto, comunque agisca e giudichi.
  • Grandezza significa: imprimere una direzione - Nessun fiume è grande e ricco di per sé, ma è il fatto di ricevere e convogliare in sé tanti affluenti a renderlo tale. Ciò vale anche per ogni grandezza dello spirito. Importa solo questo: che uno imprima la direzione che poi tanti affluenti dovranno seguire, e non che uno possieda sin dall'inizio capacità grandi o piccole.

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Bogusław Jagiełło, 1960 ~ Symbolist painter

Bogusław Jagiełło, Polish painter, sudied at Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań, at Faculty of Painting, Graphics Arts and Sculpture. In '84 graduated in graphics arts techniques in studio of prof. Tadeusz Jackowski. Two-time holder of scholarship of the Ministry of Culture and Arts. Now he lives and creates in Kłodawa, a village near Gorzów Wielkopolski. He have attended to painting, graphics arts, sculpture, poster art, book illustration and theatre stage design.
Bogusław Jagiełło 1960 | Polish symbolist painter | A Sphinx in Poznan
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Berit Kruger-Johnsen | Surrealist / Symbolist painter

Growing up in Oslo, Norway, nature has always played a major part in Berit Kruger-Johnsen's life. She studied for a degree in biology and upon completion was accepted into the only graphic design school in Oslo at that time.
The only artist in my family was my grandfather, who never met. It was crazy during the Depression era and was institutionalized. I think it would be fair to say that whenever an artist or not entitled connotations in my family.
I grew up in the region of Oslo, Norway. We had easy access to the sea, forests and mountains and nature played an important role in my life. I love drawing and after graduating with biology as my major, I have accepted in the only school of graphic design at the time of Oslo. Thus, a good compromise had been made, drawing and design with a purpose and tangible results.

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Mark Spain, 1962 | Figurative painter

Mark Spain attended a three-year course at Medway College of Art and Design studying graphics, Illustrations, Life Drawing and Printmaking.
His first work came as a freelance illustrator producing originals for posters, book covers and greeting cards.
His technique included airbrushing to create a highly refined and polished look. In 1984 his interest in printmaking as an alternative discipline became established and he set up a studio in Kent to concentrate on making original etchings.

Mark Spain 1962 | British Figurative painter

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Michael and Inessa Garmash | Romantic Impressionist painters

Michael and Inessa Garmash have created beautiful paintings, stained-glass windows, mosaics and drawings exhibited all over Europe.
Michael Garmash began a painting of their daughter for a project at school several years after their marriage. However, their two-year-old found the painting during his absence and painted her own version of the subject. Inessa Garmash, not wanting Michael to be upset, fixed the painting, packed it up and gave it to him to submit. Michael handed the painting over for review and was told it was his best work ever. He was surprised to see the "new" painting and immediately recognized his wife's hand.

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Mark Spain, 1962 | Figurative painter | VideoArt

Mark Spain** is an British artist** from Kent, best known for working in the Figurative style.
Spain has exhibited in numerous exhibitions and one man shows including the prestigious Chelsea and Hampton Court Flower Show, The 20th Century British Art Fair and The Barbican Contemporary Print Fair.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Spain see: