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Vladımir Sukovantuh, 1953 | Impressionist Landscape painter

Russian painter Vladımır Sukovantuh /Суковатых Владимир is member of the "Moscow Artists Federation".
  • From 1966-1971 he worked in the studio of Honored Artist of Russia Vladimir Andrushkevich /Андрушкевич Владимир Ильич (1923-2010).
  • 1999-2002 - Participated in exhibition activity Clubs - galleries "Patrons of art".
  • 2003 - A group exhibition in World trade centre. 
  • 2005-2006 - Exposed in Cental Artist House in structure of creative group "Reflection" 2006.
  • 2008 - Exhibition in the Central House of Journalists.
Sukovantuhs' Works are in private collections and galleries of Russia and Abroad.

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Gianni De Conno, 1957 | Surrealist Illustrator

Italian artist Gianni De Conno is a published illustrator of children's books and young adult books. 
Arts School, Accademy and European Institute of Design of Milano.
Over 15 years experience on illustration - book, children's book, magazine.
Published credits of Gianni de Conno include The Hungry Clothes and Other Jewish Folktales (Folktales of the World), The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, and India in the Islamic Era and Southeast Asia: (8th to 19th Century) (History of the World).
Gianni De Conno is teaching in the main schools of illustration.

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Dave Denson | Pastel Cityscape painter

Dave Denson discovered his passion for pastels during a time of self directed study and has embraced them as his medium of choice ever since.
Currently his paintings are a representation of everyday life in the city of Vancouver where he lives and other cities that he visits. Light, and how it is expressed with colour. is how he defines his paintings. With bold colour and contrast that he achieves with pastels Dave brings vibrancy and life to a scene that might otherwise seem ordinary.

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Ann Marie Bone, 1964 | Abstract Landscape painter

A Fine Artist from Derbyshire (UK) Ann Marie Bone is a freelance artist with a passion for vibrant colours. Graduated from Nottingham University in 1983, she lives and works in Dovedale in the beautiful Peak District of Derbyshire, which is a constant inspiration for her painting. Bone paints mainly in oils and acrylic on canvas. Keen member of the worldwide arts website Deviant Art, her landscapes are usually among the most popular for the month under the Landscape category of Traditional Painting.

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Alexandra Tyng, 1954 | Figurative Realist painter

Alexandra Tyng is a Realist painter whose work combines traditional methods with a contemporary viewpoint.
Alex was born in Rome, Italy. The father of Alexandra was famed architect Louis Isadore Kahn (1901-1974) and the mother was Anne Griswold Tyng (1920-2011) an architect and professor.
Primarily self-taught, Alex chose an academic education over art school. She learned traditional oil painting techniques by examining the work of the old masters, reading about the methods and materials of other artists, and watching artists paint.

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Terry Strickland | Figurative Realist painter

Terry Strickland knows she is doing what she was meant to do. Since devoting herself to painting full time in 2005, her work has won numerous awards and been widely collected and published. Terry’s work, classified as Post-Contemporary Realism, is a combination of technical mastery and depth of content, in which skill and concept are held in equal regard.​

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Aurelio Bruni, 1955 | Hyperrealist /Symbolist painter

I was born on 15th October 1955 by pure chance in Blera, a village near Viterbo unknown to most people as well as to me. Now I live in Umbria. The first nine years of my life are filled with the vague and pleasant memories of one who is convinced that the world - a few square kilometres of open and isolated countryside - could be easily controlled. I had few playmates but much imagination to fill the days that opened up generously in front of me and gave me contact with nature, wonderful and changeable as the seasons passed by.

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Dario Maglionico, 1986 | Surrealist Figurative painter

Milan-based artist Dario Maglionico was born in Naples, lives and works in Milan.
Education - 2013 - Master in Biomedical Engineering, Politecnico, Milan.
Solo Exhibitions:
  • 2015 - Claustrophilia, RivaArtecontemporanea Gallery, Lecce, curated by Ivan Quaroni. 
  • 2014 - Reificazione#, Biblioteca storica della Società d’incoraggiamento d’Arti e Mestieri, Milan, curated by Filippo Ciavarella.

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Maria Serafina Tribunella, 1955 | Tuscan Garden

Maria Serafina Tribunella is an American of Sicilian origin (born in Collesano, Palermo); raised and educated in New York City. After receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from New York University, she married and moved to the home of her ancestors, Italy. It is there shat she now resides making her living as an accomplished painter alongside her husband, the Neapolitian artist, Raimondi Roberti.
The return to her native land has proved to be very important in the development of her artistic work. There is a very strong influence of The Grand Tour heritage of Southern Italy that is nostalgically rendered in her paintings.

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Celestin Messaggio, 1952 | Impressionist Palette Knife painter

Italian-born French painter Celestin Messaggio was born in Lombardy-Italy, his parents left Italy for Normandy when he was still only a child. From 1955, the land of the "men from the north" will inspire Messaggio’s artistic beginnings. His attachment to Normandy is still present in his paintings today: "If today I also wish to reproduce the warm light of the south, the waters of Venice remain a mirror reflecting my visit of the water gardens in Giverny".

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Kieron Williamson, 2002 | Impressionist / Watercolour painter

Kieron Williamson (born 4 August 2002) is a watercolour artist from Holt, Norfolk in England. His paintings and ability by the age of six have caused considerable interest in the UK media and are notable for his advanced use of perspective and shading.
He has been described as a prodigy, and at his second exhibition in 2009, his paintings sold out in 14 minutes, raising a total of £18,200 for 16 paintings. A subsequent exhibition in Holt in July 2010 saw his paintings all sold within 30 minutes, at a total value of £150,000.
The following week, on Friday, 6 August 2010, Williamson revealed on the BBC Norfolk website some of his latest paintings that would be exhibited in 2011.

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Fabio Colussi, 1957 | Seascape painter

Babio Colussi was born at Trieste Italy, where he lives and works. An self-taught, as his style has been formed through the study of the great Triestine painters such as Barison, Zangrando, Flumiani and Grimani.
He paints his early watercolours at the age of four, his themes are landscapes, woods, and figures realized using wax crayons; later he approaches tempera and acrylics, and successively, in the early nineties, he paints oils on canvas and on board, now his favourite technique that he has never abandoned.
To make his paintings he draws inspiration from the sketches that he jots down in a notebook which he always has with him and that sometimes are implemented, as far as architectures are concerned, by photographic notes.
Colussi is present with his works in private collections in Italy and abroad -United States, Germany and Australia. He has exhibited at national and European level.

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Ng Woon Lam / 黄运南, 1971 | Watercolour painter

Singaporean painter Ng Woon Lam /黄运南 was once an engineer with Bachelor degree from NTU and Master in Science from NUS. He neverthelss decides to take up the challange of becoming a full time artist to accomplish his passion.
He is now a signature member of National Watercolor Society (NWS) of US.
His works have numerous national and international awards and been featured in leading art publications e.g. The Artist's Magazine, Splash and Watercolor Magic. His paintings were selected into The American Watercolor Society's International Juried Show and The Oil Painters of America. His most recent article, 'seeing with fresh eyes' is published in International Artist, April 2007.

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Andrea Mantegna | La Camera degli Sposi, 1465-1474 | Art in Detail

The Camera degli Sposi ("Bridal chamber"), sometimes known as the Camera picta ("painted chamber"), is a room frescoed with illusionistic paintings by Andrea Mantegna in the Ducal Palace, Mantua, Italy. It was painted between 1465 and 1474 and commissioned by Ludovico III Gonzaga, and is notable for the use of trompe l'oeil details and its di sotto in sù ceiling.
The chronological sequence of the paintings has been recently discovered: the painter started from the vault by dry painting in the background small bits particularly those of the oculus and the wreath surrounding it.

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Edgar Degas | La scoperta realista

Nella primavera del 1859, Degas fece ritorno a Parigi, stavolta carico di ambizione e di fiducia nelle proprie capacità e nell'avvenire: anche una volta divenuto adulto, in effetti, il pittore avrebbe ricordato il periodo italiano con grande nostalgia, come uno dei migliori della sua vita.
In Francia, in ogni caso, Degas ebbe agio di conciliare l'immenso bagaglio museale acquisito in Italia con una visione dinamica della vita contemporanea, ricca di vivacità e di freschezza. Su questa linea nacque una serie di quadri a sfondo storico, talora anche di formato grande.
Il quadro più significativo di questo periodo è certamente Giovani spartane, alla cui trattazione rimandiamo nella pagina apposita, anche se Degas scelse nel 1865 di debuttare al Manet, esposta presso lo stesso Salon con un altro dipinto, Scene di guerra nel Medioevo (anche noto come Le sventure della città di Orléans).

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Salvador Dali | Surrealist Newton, 1977

This sculpture was born of Salvador Dalí's respect for Sir Isaac Newton and his discovery of the law of gravity, represented by the famed falling apple. Dalí has pierced the figure with two large spaces: one which portrays the absence of Newton's unique physical body, while the other space clearly displays the lack of his singular mind. 

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Ugo Attardi | Abstract Expressionism painter /sculptor

Ugo Attardi (1923-2006), one of the most versatile Italian artists, died the morning of July 21 at the age of 83 in Rome.
Attardi´s fame crossed borders as a well known painter, sculptor and writer.
Ugo Attardi was born in Genoa and grew up in Palermo.

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Franz Borghese | Cubist / Symbolist painter /sculptor

Italian painter and sculptor Franz Borghese was born in Rome in 1941.
He attended Rome’s Fine Arts Academy and Rome’s Artistic Lyceum together with Purificato, Capogrossi, Maganzini and Turcato.
Multiple techniques were used by the artist: oil and gouache, ink and watercolour, printing and sculpture.

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Nguyen Khac Chinh, 1984 | Symbolist / Surrealist painter

With a harmonious combination of colours, both modern and imbued with Eastern culture, the set of paintings entitled "The Life of Mannequins" by artist Nguyen Khac Chinh brought to viewers a unique, interesting perspective on life and humans in a contemporary art space.
Born in 1984 in Hanoi, Vietnam, Nguyen Khac Chinh graduated from the Hanoi University of Fine Arts in 2006, and is a highly skilled artist in oil painting thanks to his participation in group exhibitions since he was a student.
During his years of studying and taking part in art exhibitions of different forms, such as installation, performance, video art, oil painting and lacquer painting, he accumulated a thorough knowledge and experience of art.

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Edgar Degas: "Copiare e ricopiare i maestri.."

Per comprendere adeguatamente il profilo artistico di Degas è indispensabile coglierne le connessioni con gli immensi depositi culturali del passato. Degas, infatti, fu meno disposto di altri suoi colleghi ad accantonare l'eredità dei grandi maestri, ai quali si riferì sempre con appassionata devozione. Non a caso egli considerava i musei come il luogo congeniale alla formazione di un artista, ed a tutti coloro che gli chiedevano consigli per migliorare le proprie tecniche egli ricordava caparbiamente l'importanza di copiare i capolavori del passato.
È comunque considerato uno de maestri dell'Ottocento ed ha lasciato il segno con il suo stile innovativo.

Una delle sue massime:
«Bisogna copiare e ricopiare i maestri, e soltanto dopo aver fornito tutte le prove di un buon copista vi si potrà ragionevolmente permettere di dipingere un ravanello dal vero» - Edgar Degas.

Lo stesso Degas, stimolato dai numerosi viaggi in Italia e dall'erudizione del padre, meditò con molta attenzione sulle pitture conservate al Louvre, e soprattutto sui primitivi del Rinascimento.

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Edgar Degas e l'Impressionismo

Degas viene giustamente inserito nella genealogia dell'Impressionismo.
Egli, in effetti, partecipò con grande assiduità a tutte le mostre del gruppo, fatta eccezione per quella del 1882, e come i suoi colleghi nutriva un'appassionata devozione per le opere di Édouard Manet, pittore che per primo si era emancipato dalle piacevolezze borghesi ed era approdato ad una grande libertà espressiva e ad una costante quanto disinibita rappresentazione della sua contemporaneità.

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Marc Chagall | Birthday / Il Compleanno, 1915

"Do not move. Stay just as you are", he commanded with what I can only call hot urgency...
He put a fresh canvas on his easel, snatched up brushes, and flung himself at it so passionately that the easel shook. Dabs of red, blue, white, and black flew through the air and swept me up with them. Up and up. I looked down and he was standing on tiptoe on one foot. He lifted me off the ground, leapt up himself, and glided with me up to the ceiling..

Marc and first wife Bella Rosenfeld Chagall, Paris, 1929 by André Kertész

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Edgar Degas | Horse racing /Corse di cavalli

French Impressionist painter, Edgar Degas (1834-1917), began painting scenes with horses in the 1860s.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Degas see Edgar Degas | Realist/Impressionist painter and sculptor.

Other from Edgar Degas:

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Leonardo da Vinci | Escusazione dello Scultore

Trattato della Pittura
Parte prima | Capitolo 37

Dice lo scultore, che s'esso leva piú marmo che non deve, non può ricorreggere il suo errore, come fa il pittore; al quale si risponde, che chi leva piú che non deve non è maestro, perché maestro si dimanda quello che ha vera scienza della sua operazione.
Risponde lo scultore, che lavorando il marmo si scopre una rottura, che ne fu causa essa e non il maestro di tale errore; rispondesi tale scultore essere in questo caso come il pittore a cui si rompe ed offende la tavola donde egli dipinge.

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Edgar Degas | Landscapes

Edgar Degas (1834-1917) was a French artist famous for his paintings, sculptures, prints and drawings.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Degas see Edgar Degas | Realist/Impressionist painter and sculptor.

Other from Edgar Degas:

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David Roberts RA | Romantic Orientalist painter

Artist David Roberts and Near Eastern Archaeology

by Dr. Patrick Hunt

Scottish artist David Roberts (1796-1864) was instrumental in helping to stimulate a growing fascination with the Near East by Europeans, especially within British society where biblical accounts of the rise and fall of empires were familiar, as much intellectual fare as anything else and staple bread and butter for religious imagination. The Romantic Movement’s eschewing of Enlightenment ideals turned instead to exotic themes and ruins, also replacing Neoclassicism with Orientalism.

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Giorgione | Judith, 1504 | Hermitage Museum

Author: Giorgione
Painting, Oil on canvas, 144x68 cm
Origin: Italy, 1504
Personage: Judith
Source of entry: Collection of baron L.A. Crozat de Tierra, Paris, 1772
School: Venetian
Theme: The Bible and Christianity

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Jinnie May | Abstract Watercolour painter

Jinnie May has always had an appreciation for art, but it wasn’t until she retired in 2000 that she began to seriously pursue art. Currently Jinnie is interested in the use of watercolor for its spontaneity, portability and indecisiveness. Her initial inspiration comes from studying California Watercolor artists from the 1940’s and 50’s, who painted genre paintings on large paper using big brushes and bold colors.

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Correggio | Mannerist painter

Correggio, byname of Antonio Allegri (born August 1494, Correggio [now in Emilia-Romagna, Italy]-died March 5, 1534, Correggio), most important Renaissance painter of the school of Parma, whose late works influenced the style of many Baroque and Rococo artists.
His first important works are the convent ceiling of San Paolo (c. 1519), Parma, depicting allegories on humanist themes, and the frescoes in San Giovanni Evangelista, Parma (1520-23), and the cathedral of Parma (1526-30).
The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine (c. 1526) is among the finest of his poetic late oil paintings.

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Paolo Veronese | Assessment

An artist's biography of Paolo Veronese (1528-1588) was included in the second edition of the Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors and Architects (1568), by Giorgio Vasari, with improved coverage of the painters of the Venetian school.
A fuller biography of Veronese had to await Le maraviglie dell'Arte ovvero, Le vite degli Illustri Pittori Veneti and dello Stato (1648), by Carlo Ridolfi, a compilation of the Venetian School painters.
Ridolfi said that Veronese's painting of The Feast in the House of Levi (1573) is "by far, the most important source for our knowledge of his art", because "it gave rein to joy, made beauty majestic, made laughter, itself, more festive".

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Bartholomeus Spranger (1546-1611)

Bartholomaeus Spranger, also spelled Bartholomeus Sprangers, or Sprangerson (March 21, 1546, Antwerp, Hapsburg Netherlands-August 1611, Prague), Antwerp painter noted for his paintings of nudes executed in the late Mannerist style.
In his efforts to develop a Northern artistic canon of the human figure, Spranger employed mannered poses, slender, elongated bodies, and a gleaming, brittle texture in his work.
The figures smile invitingly, and the influence of Parmigianino and Correggio is evident in their voluptuous contours.

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Pablo Picasso: "La pittura è solo un altro modo di tenere un diario"

"I computer sono inutili. Ti sanno dare solo risposte".
"Computers Are useless. They Can Only Give You Answers".

"La pittura è solo un altro modo di tenere un diario".
"Painting is just another way of keeping a diary".

"Ogni atto di creazione è, prima di tutto, un atto di distruzione".