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Ivan Malinowski | Adesso è il momento..!

Adesso è il momento di fare ciò che ti piace.
Non aspettare lunedì, non aspettare domani.
Non fare allungare davanti a te la carovana
di sogni calpestati. Non aspettare.

Non frenarti per paura o viltà.
Non posporre la vita con altra morte,
e non aspettare niente dalla sorte
che non sia più della tua tenacia e della tua energia.

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Ethel Léontine Gabain (1883-1950)

Ethel Léontine Gabain, later Ethel Copley, was a French-Scottish artist.
Gabain was a renowned painter and lithographer and among the founding members of the Senefelder Club.
While she was known for her oil portraits of actresses, Gabain was one of the few artists of her time able to live on the sale of her lithographs.
She also did etchings, dry-points, as well as some posters.

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Fred Appleyard (1874-1963)

Fred Appleyard was a British artist known for his landscape paintings, portraits, classical subjects and allegorical compositions.
He had 41 works exhibited during his lifetime by the Royal Academy and painted the mural Spring Driving Out Winter in the Academy Restaurant.
Appleyard was born in Middlesbrough, England on 9 September 1874, the son of Isaac Appleyard, an iron merchant. His uncle was the sculptor John Wormald Appleyard.

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Anaïs Nin: "L'amore non muore mai di morte naturale"..

L'amore non muore mai di morte naturale.
Muore perché noi non sappiamo come rifornire la sua sorgente.
Muore di cecità e di errori e tradimenti.
Muore di malattia e di ferite,
muore di stanchezza, per logorio o per opacità.

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Masterpieces of the Pinacoteca di Brera

The collection of the Pinacoteca di Brera includes some of the greatest masterpieces of Italian and foreign art from the 13th to the 20th century.
The works are displayed on the first floor of the building, where the Academy of Fine Arts is also located.
The Pinacoteca museum, which opened in 1809 thanks to Napoleon Bonaparte, was born as a collection of the finest works of art and was dedicated to the education of students.
The collection included Italian art masterpieces taken from churches and monasteries that were suppressed at the time when Milan was the capital city of the Kingdom of Italy. | Source: © Pinacoteca di Brera

Antonio Canova (Italian, 1757-1822) | Napoleone come Marte pacificatore / Napoleon as Mars the peacemaker, 1811 (detail) | Pinacoteca di Brera