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Anthony de Mello: "La prova dell’amore è il sacrificio.."

Pensate forse di aiutare le persone perché ne siete innamorate?
Ebbene, devo darvi una notizia.
Non si è mai innamorati di qualcuno.
Si è soltanto innamorati della idea che ci si è fatti di una data persona, un’idea preconcetta e dettata dalla speranza.

Fermatevi a pensarci un minuto: non siete mai innamorati di qualcuno, siete innamorati della vostra idea preconcetta riguardo a quella persona.

Rene Magrittè | Les Amants

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Fyodor Dostoyevsky: La bellezza salverà il mondo! / The beauty will save the world!

"Ama la vita più della sua logica, solo allora ne capirai il senso".
"A volte l’uomo è straordinariamente, appassionatamente innamorato della sofferenza".
"Colui che mente a se stesso e dà ascolto alla propria menzogna arriva al punto di non saper distinguere la verità né dentro se stesso, né intorno a sé e, quindi, perde il rispetto per se stesso e per gli altri".
"Oggi c’è più ricchezza ma meno forza; nessuna idea sa unire i cuori: tutto è rilasciato, rammollito, sfatto. Tutti noi, tutti noi siamo sfatti!".
"[Da una lettera al fratello Michail] Che m'importa la gloria, quando io scrivo per il pane?"

Vasily Perov | Portrait of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 1872 (detail)

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Louise Camille Fenne, 1972 | Magic realism painter

Louise Camille Fenne was born in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Having a Danish father and an English mother, she grew up and went to school in both Denmark and England.
Louise studied drawing in Aix-en Provence, France and at The Glyptotek, Copenhagen, before enrolling at The Florence Academy of Art in 1995, being intrigued by the possibility of studying traditional painting and drawing techniques.

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Paige Bradley, 1974 | Figurative sculptor

Born in Carmel, California Paige Bradley knew she would be an artist by the age of nine.
Immersed in nature and art, Bradley’s fascination with the human figure began early.
She believed that through the figure an artist could speak a universal language that is timeless and essential.
Paige began drawing from the model by the age of ten and by fifteen was studying intensely at university campuses during the summer months.

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Joe Webb, 1976 | Mixed media painter

Joe Webb is a British visual artist, known for his enticing handmade mixed media collages.
He uses images from vintage magazines and posters to conjure surreal narratives that express both a comical and cynical take on the modern world.

Webb’s Handmade Collages

Webb worked as a commercial artist and graphic designer for several years. Tired of modern technology and its overwhelming potentials, Joe turned to collage, a technique he described as "more immediate and graphic than painting".
Webb’s elegant handmade collages are made of vintage magazines and printed ephemera that he has collected during the years.