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Pablo Picasso | My Love has withered away / Il mio amore è appassito..

I have walked through starless nights not caring what the world cared for
Amidst sighs of desperation and exasperation, i 'ave walked; only for you
you were always like the fresh mist of dawn
Yet, like the honey of the bee.

Pablo Picasso | The Meeting / The-Embrace, -1900 | Pushkin Museum, Moscow, Russia

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Alison Friend, 1973

Alison Friend is a British artist, born in Doncaster, South Yorks.
Her paintings are inspired by nature and her cheeky sense of humour.
Dreamy delicate brush strokes abound every canvas where she captures the secret lives of animals. Every character comes to life on canvas whether having a lolly or a gin.
Alison Friend graduated from Nottingham Trent University in 1996 with a degree in Fine Art specialising in Printmaking.

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Jane Graverol | Surrealist painter

Jane Graverol (1905-1984) was a Belgian surrealist painter of French extraction.


Jane Graverol was born in Ixelles on 18 December 1905 to Alexandre Graverol and Anne-Marie Lagadec.
After a traditional education, she enrolled in the Brussels Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in 1921, where she was taught by Jean Delville and Constant Montald.

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Reinaldo Arenas | My Lover The Sea / Io sono quel bambino....

Io sono quel bambino con la faccia tonda e sporca,
che in ogni angolo ti infastidisce
con il suo "mi dai una monetina"?

Io sono quel bambino con la faccia tonda e sporca, certamente non voluto, che da lontano
contempla gli autobus, in cui gli altri bambini ridono
forte, e fanno salti molto grandi.

Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky | At the Door of the School | The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

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150 years of the First Impressionist Exhibition, 1874-2024

150 years ago, on April 15, 1874, a group of artists called the Anonymous Society of Painters, Sculptors, Printmakers, etc. organized an exhibition in Paris that launched the movement called Impressionism.
Its founding members included Claude Monet, Edgar Degas and Camille Pissarro, among others.
Thirty-one artists had gathered to hold their own art fair, outside the official Salon, in a declaration of independence that marked the birth of a groundbreaking art movement.

Claude Monet | Impression, Sunrise, 1872 | Paris, Musée Marmottan Monet