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Gustave Buchet | Futurist painter

Gustave Louis Buchet (1888-1963) was a painter from the canton of Vaudv - Swiss Confederation, active in Paris during the interwar period, marked by Futurism and then Purism.
Gustave Buchet began his artistic training with four years of study at the École des Beaux-Arts in Geneva, where he was particularly influenced by Eugène Gilliard.
From 1910-11 he attended, for four months, the Académie de la Grande Chaumiere in Paris and then returned back to Geneva.

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Frederick Sandys | Pre-Raphaelite painter

From: Tate Gallery
Sandys, born Anthony Frederick Augustus Sands at Norwich, studied under his father Anthony Sands, a drawing master and portrait and subject painter.
He was educated at Norwich Grammar School and at the Government School of Design at Norwich.
An early patron was the Revd James Bulwer, Rector of Stody and a former pupil of Cotman.
Sandys made architectural and antiquarian drawings for him and etched his drawings.

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Georg Achen | Naturalist painter

Georg Nicolai Achen (23 July 1860 - 6 January 1912) was a Danish painter.
One of the more accomplished Naturalists of his generation, from the 1890s he specialized in portraits.
Born in Frederikssund and moved with his family to Copenhagen in 1871, he was the younger brother of the architect Eggert Achen.

Achen first studied painting under Vilhelm Kyhn before attending the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts from 1877 to 1883.
Thereafter he studied under P.S. Krøyer at Kunstnernes Frie Studieskoler.
He first exhibited at Charlottenborg in 1883 and at Den Frie in 1896.

In the 1880s, he painted mainly landscapes but from the 1890s, he became one of Denmark's most popular portraitists, creating especially artistic paintings of members of his family.
Under the influence of Vilhelm Hammershøi, his interiors with a dark female figure in pink, grey and brownish hues testify to his simple, aesthetic approach.

One of his most appreciated works is Drømmevinduet (The Dream Window), an oil painting of a maid peering out of one of the windows in Liselund Slot, painted in 1903.

Georg Achen died in Frederiksberg on 6 January 1912.


In 1890, Aachen was awarded the Thorvaldsen Medal for Min Moders Portræt, a portrait of his mother. | Source: © Wikipedia

Georg Nicolai Achen (23 luglio 1860-6 gennaio 1912) è stato un pittore Danese.
Uno dei Naturalisti più affermati della sua generazione. Dal 1890 si specializzò in ritratti.

Nato a Frederikssund e trasferitosi con la famiglia a Copenaghen nel 1871, era il fratello minore dell'architetto Eggert Achen.
Achen studiò pittura per la prima volta con Vilhelm Kyhn prima di frequentare la Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts dal 1877 al 1883.
Successivamente studiò con P.S. Krøyer al Kunstnernes Frie Studieskoler.

Espone per la prima volta a Charlottenborg nel 1883 ea Den Frie nel 1896.
Nel 1880 dipinse principalmente paesaggi, ma dal 1890 divenne uno dei ritrattisti più famosi della Danimarca, creando dipinti particolarmente artistici dei membri della sua famiglia.

Sotto l'influenza di Vilhelm Hammershøi, i suoi interni con una figura femminile scura in tonalità rosa, grigie e marroni testimoniano il suo approccio estetico semplice.

Una delle sue opere più apprezzate è Drømmevinduet (La finestra dei sogni), un dipinto ad olio di una cameriera che sbircia da una delle finestre di Liselund Slot, dipinto nel 1903.

Georg Achen morì a Frederiksberg il 6 gennaio 1912.


Nel 1890 Aachen ricevette la medaglia Thorvaldsen per Min Moders Portræt, un ritratto di sua madre. | Fonte: © British Wikipedia

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Emma Sandys | Pre-Raphaelite painter

Emma Sandys (born Mary Ann Emma Sands) (1843-1877) was a 19th-century British Pre-Raphaelite painter.
Emma Sandys was born in Norwich, where her father, Anthony Sands (1806-1883), gave her some early art lessons.
In 1853 the family added a ‘y’ to their surname.

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Leonardo Bazzaro | Pittore naturalista

Considerato uno dei principali esponenti del naturalismo lombardo, al pari di Eugenio Gignous e Filippo Carcano, la produzione artistica di Leonardo Bazzaro (1853-1937) è maggiormente concentrata su soggetti paesaggistici dove viene esaltata la rappresentazione del quotidiano familiare.
Nei primi anni di attività, Bazzaro si orienta su vedute prospettiche di interni di chiese e di noti palazzi milanesi, con un'impronta verista di matrice sei-settecentesca derivata dal maestro Giuseppe Bertini: gli ex compagni di Brera gli attribuiscono il soprannome piccolo Velasquez, ad attestare la forte intensità espressiva raggiunta in queste prima fase.