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Frank Holl R.A. | Victorian painter

Francis Montague Holl RA (London 4 July 1845 - 31 July 1888 London) was an British painter, specializing in somewhat sentimental paintings with a moment from a narrative situation, often drawing on the trends of social realism and the problem picture in Victorian painting.
He was also, especially in his later years when the demand for social realism slackened, a portrait painter, mostly of official-type portraits of distinguished and therefore elderly men, including members of the royal family.
He died in his early 40s, which some contemporaries attributed to overwork, as he had been very busy in the last twenty years of his life.

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Vincenzo Volpe | Verismo painter

Vincenzo Volpe (December 14, 1855 – February 9, 1929) was an Italian painter.
From 1874 to 1890, he painted mostly genre scenes.
From 1891 to 1896, he concentrated on religious art, then returned to genre works and portraits.
Vincenzo Volpe was born in Grottaminarda, Campania.
His family moved to Naples when he was eight, and in 1871 he enrolled at the Accademia di Belle Arti there and studied with Domenico Morelli.

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Maggie Siner, 1951 | Semi-realist Still life / Figure painter

A quiet voice in contemporary art, Siner’s paintings are prized for their enduring qualities: a perfect sense of the fleeting moment, exquisite clarity of light, bold gestural brushwork, delicately balanced structure, fine craftsmanship, the captured moment of absolute recognition and beautiful whimsical takes on the everyday world.
Her subjects range from the intimate (a handful of cherries), to the monumental (earth and sky), to intimate portraits and unpredictable combinations of objects.

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Maxmilian Ciccone, 1972 | Figurative painter

Italian painter Maxmilian Ciccone was born in the beautiful mountainous region of Calabria, near Catanzaro.
As a child, was evident his artistic inclination which later led him to study art at the Liceo Artistico of Catanzaro.
Without ay further education, his art career has continued to grow steadily.
His intense passion for art lead him to study painters of the past, such as: Caravaggio, Shishkin and Kramskoi.

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La Cappella degli Scrovegni

La Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padova - Italia, dedicata a Santa Maria della Carità ed affrescata tra il 1303-1305 da Giotto (1267-1337) su incarico di Enrico degli Scrovegni, costituisce uno dei massimi capolavori dell'arte occidentale.
La navata è lunga 29,88 m, larga 8,41 m e alta 12,65 m; l'abside è costituito da una prima parte a pianta quadrata, profonda 4,49 m e larga 4,31 m, e da una successiva, a forma poligonale a cinque lati, profonda 2,57 m e coperta da cinque unghiature nervate.
La superficie affrescata è di circa 700 m², compresi i circa 180 m² della volta dipinta quasi solo di azzurro.
Dal 2021 fa parte dei patrimoni dell'umanità UNESCO nel sito dei cicli di affreschi del XIV secolo di Padova.
I dipinti all'interno della cappella degli Scrovegni diedero il via ad una rivoluzione pittorica che si sviluppò in tutto l'arco del Trecento e che influenzò la storia della pittura.