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Eugenio Montale | Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio / I went down, giving you my arm, 1967

Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio, almeno un milione di scale
e ora che non ci sei è il vuoto ad ogni gradino.
Anche così è stato breve il nostro lungo viaggio.
Il mio dura tuttora, né più mi occorrono
le coincidenze, le prenotazioni,
le trappole, gli scorni di chi crede
che la realtà sia quella che si vede.

William Brymner | In the Orchard Spring, 1892

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Alfred Stevens | Academic Classical painter

Alfred Émile Léopold Stevens (11 May 1823 - 24 August 1906) was a Belgian painter, known for his paintings of elegant modern women.
After gaining attention early in his career with a social realist painting depicting the plight of poor vagrants, he achieved great critical and popular success with his scenes of upper-middle class Parisian life.
In their realistic style and careful finish, his works reveal the influence of 17th-century Dutch genre painting.

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Gustave de Jonghe (1829-1893)

Gustave Léonard de Jonghe, Gustave Léonard De Jonghe or Gustave de Jonghe (4 February 1829 – 28 January 1893) was a Flemish/ Belgian painter known for his glamorous society portraits and genre scenes. After training in Brussels, he started out as a painter of historical and religious subjects in a Realist style. After moving to Paris where he spent most of his active career, he became successful with his scenes of glamorous women in richly decorated interiors.


Gustave Léonard de Jonghe was born in Kortrijk as the son of the prominent landscape painter Jan Baptiste de Jonghe.
He received his first art lessons from his father. He continued his studies in Brussels at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts where leading Belgian painter François-Joseph Navez was one of his teachers.
The history painter Louis Gallait was his close friend and mentor. When de Jonghe’s father died when he was only 15 years old, his native city granted him a scholarship.

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Legge di Murphy: "Si riesce a far funzionare qualsiasi cosa, se ci si pasticcia abbastanza".

Della Murfologia Applicata alla Meccanica | Capitolo 4

Legge della perversità della Natura
Non si può prevedere con successo quale lato del pane andrebbe imburrato.

Legge della gravità selettiva
Un oggetto cadrà sempre in modo da produrre il maggior danno possibile.

Corollario di Jenning
Le probabilità che il pane cada sul lato imburrato sono direttamente proporzionali al costo del tappeto.

Atsushi Koyama (Artista giapponese, 1978)

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Matt Talbert, 1982 | Abstract portrait painter

Matt Talbert is a contemporary oil painter living in Southern California. While he grew up at the beach, Matt attributes much of his artistic development to his years spent in New York City.
Working in the basement of the famous Pearl art store on Canal Street and meeting a wide range of artists from all disciplines was indispensable.
He is both a graduate from the Orange County School of the Arts and the Laguna College of Art and Design and has had the honor of being named one of the "Top 100 Figurative Artist Working Now" by PoetsArtists Magazine.
Matt's primary focus is expressive paintings of the human figure exhibited in galleries such as Arcadia Contemporary, Abend Gallery, and the Salmagundi Club in New York.