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Legge di Murphy: "Si riesce a far funzionare qualsiasi cosa, se ci si pasticcia abbastanza".

Della Murfologia Applicata alla Meccanica | Capitolo 4

Legge della perversità della Natura
Non si può prevedere con successo quale lato del pane andrebbe imburrato.

Legge della gravità selettiva
Un oggetto cadrà sempre in modo da produrre il maggior danno possibile.

Corollario di Jenning
Le probabilità che il pane cada sul lato imburrato sono direttamente proporzionali al costo del tappeto.

Atsushi Koyama (Artista giapponese, 1978)

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Matt Talbert, 1982 | Abstract portrait painter

Matt Talbert is a contemporary oil painter living in Southern California. While he grew up at the beach, Matt attributes much of his artistic development to his years spent in New York City.
Working in the basement of the famous Pearl art store on Canal Street and meeting a wide range of artists from all disciplines was indispensable.
He is both a graduate from the Orange County School of the Arts and the Laguna College of Art and Design and has had the honor of being named one of the "Top 100 Figurative Artist Working Now" by PoetsArtists Magazine.
Matt's primary focus is expressive paintings of the human figure exhibited in galleries such as Arcadia Contemporary, Abend Gallery, and the Salmagundi Club in New York.

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Robert Lyn Nelson, 1955 | Magic realism painter

Robert Lyn Nelson is an American artist known for his paintings of marine wildlife, particularly those in his "Two Worlds" style, which simultaneously shows life above and below the surface of the sea.

Artistic career

Nelson moved to Hawaii when he was eighteen years old.
According to Nelson, the turning point in his life and his career occurred when he encountered a group of whales while surfing off Lahaina, Hawaii.

"In learning to ride the waves, I also learned to respect the ocean...to feel its pulse with all five of my senses, and to feel its spirit at an extra-sensory level. It was a blend of magic and realism that I wanted to communicate in my paintings", says Nelson.

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Happy birthday Berthe Morisot!

Berthe Morisot was an essential figure in the Impressionist movement (a small group of inventive creators who organized independent exhibitions in protest against established art institutions in Paris).
Morisot’s paintings are visual poems.
Staying true to the tenets of impressionism, at first glance, you immediately notice her loose brushstrokes and colors that reflect the hues of nature.
Then, you realize later the absorbing quality of her work. Her paintings are hard to stop thinking about when you leave them.
Because Morisot had an understanding of women and their experiences that was uncommon for an artist at the time.
She painted women existing in their everyday lives in a way that was not present in the work of her male counterparts.
Rather than simply looking at these women, in Morisot’s work, you take time to think about what it’s like to be them and in their world. | National Gallery of Art

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La Legge di Murphy: "I computer sono inaffidabili, ma gli uomini ancora di più!"

Dalla Murfologia Applicata alla Progettazione | Capitolo 3

Legge di Osborn
Le variabili non mutano mai, le costanti sì.

Prima legge delle modifiche
Meglio conosciuta col nome di Legge dell'Adesso me lo dicono!
Qualsiasi informazione che comporti un cambiamento nel progetto sarà trasmessa al progettista dopo - e soltanto dopo - che tutti i disegni sono stati completati

In casi semplici, che presentino una soluzione ovviamente giusta e una ovviamente sbagliata, è spesso più saggio scegliere quella sbagliata, in modo da aver già pronta la conseguente modifica.

Paweł Kuczyński, 1976