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Nel cortile dell'amore di Giulietta e Romeo

Giulietta: - "Oh! Come entrasti tu qui? Ed a qual fine? I muri che circondano questo giardino sono ardui, e pressoché inaccessibili; ed il luogo in cui stai ti sarà tomba, se alcuno de' miei ti sorprende".

Romeo: - "Coll'ali dell'Amore valicai l'altezza di que' muri, ché barriera non v'ha al prepotente Amore: tutto che Amor può tentare, Amor l'osa; onde a' tuoi non ebbi riguardo allorché qui venni"…

William Shakespeare: Giulietta e Romeo, Atto II° scena II°

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Wislawa Szymborska | Because it was only love / Perché era amore solamente

Cademmo nell’abbraccio,
ci separammo dal mondo,
non sapevamo se eravamo due corpi
o due anime
o un corpo e un’anima
o se semplicemente
non eravamo

Jeff Rowland

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Fred Stead | Landscape / Genre painter

Frederick 'Fred' Stead (1863-1940) was born in Shipley, Yorkshire in August 1863.
He studied initially at the Shipley School of Art before being awarded a scholarship to The Royal Cambrian Academy.
Stead gained a reputation as portrait painter of the rich and wealthy of Bradford and became the Chairman of the Society of Yorkshire Artists.

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Marc Chagall | Stained glass windows

One of Chagall's major contributions to art has been his work with stained glass. This medium allowed him further to express his desire to create intense and fresh colors and had the added benefit of natural light and refraction interacting and constantly changing: everything from the position where the viewer stood to the weather outside would alter the visual effect (though this is not the case with his Hadassah windows).
It was not until 1956, when he was nearly 70 years of age, that he designed windows for the church at Assy, his first major project. Then, from 1958-1960, he created windows for Metz Cathedral.

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Titian | High Renaissance painter

Titian (Tiziano Vecelli or Vecellio, known in English as Titian, ca. 1485-1576) was the greatest painter of 16th-century Venice, and the first painter to have a mainly international clientele.
During his long career, he experimented with many different styles of painting which embody the development of art during his epoch.

Youth and debut

Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) was born in Pieve di Cadore, a small town at the foot of the Dolomites on the Venetian side of the Alps.
The Vecellios had been based in Cadore since the 14th century. Titian’s father, Gregorio, was a military man. His older brother Francesco was also a painter.
There is still no documentary evidence of Titian’s exact date of birth, but contemporary sources and his early stylistic development suggest that he was born around 1490.