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Edward Simmons (1852-1931)

Edward Emerson Simmons was an American Impressionist painter, remembered for his mural work.


His father was a Unitarian minister. He graduated from Harvard College in 1874, and was a pupil of Lefebvre and Boulanger in Paris, where he took a gold medal.
In 1894, Simmons was awarded the first commission of the Municipal Art Society, a series of murals - Justice, The Fates, and The Rights of Man - for the interior of the Criminal Courthouse at 100 Centre Street in Manhattan.
This court is the criminal branch of New York Supreme Court (the trial court in New York), where many New Yorkers serve on jury duty.
Later Simmons decorated the Waldorf Astoria New York hotel, the Library of Congress in Washington, and the mural series "Civilization of the Northwest" in the Minnesota State Capitol rotunda in Saint Paul.

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Claude Monet | Life and artworks

Claude Monet - in full Oscar-Claude Monet (born November 14, 1840, Paris, France-died December 5, 1926, Giverny), French painter who was the initiator, leader and unswerving advocate of the Impressionist style.
In his mature works, Monet developed his method of producing repeated studies of the same motif in series, changing canvases with the light or as his interest shifted.
These series were frequently exhibited in groups-for example, his images of haystacks (1891) and the Rouen Cathedral, 1894.

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Leonardo da Vinci | De' corpi illuminati dall'aria senza il sole

Trattato della Pittura - Parte quinta | Capitoli 799-811

799. Del corpo luminoso che si volta intorno senza mutazione di sito e riceve un medesimo lume da diversi lati e si varia in infinito.
800. Di ombra e lume de' corpi ombrosi.
801. De' corpi illuminati dall'aria senza il sole.
802. Quei termini delle ombre saranno più insensibili, che nasceranno da maggior quantità di luce.
803. Quale ombra è più oscura.
804. Del lume.
805. Precetto.
806. Precetto.
807. De' termini de' corpi mediante i campi.
808. Precetto delle ombre.
809. Dell'imitazione de' colori in qualunque distanza.
810. Del lume riflesso.
811. Di prospettiva.

Leonardo da Vinci | Sant'Anna, la Vergine e il Bambino con l'agnellino, 1510-1513 (detail)

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Oskar Kokoschka | The bride of the wind / La sposa del vento, 1913-1914

"The Bride of the Wind" / "Die Windsbraut" or "The Tempest" is a 1913-1914 painting by Oskar Kokoschka.
The oil on canvas work is housed in the Kunstmuseum Basel.
Kokoschka's best known work, it is an allegorical picture featuring a self-portrait by the artist, lying alongside his lover Alma Mahler (Viennese-born composer, 1879-1964).

In 1912 Alma met the young painter Oskar Kokoschka, who was known as the enfant terrible of the Viennese art scene.
He was violent and unbridled, and the press derided him as "the wildest beast of all".

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Wassily Kandinsky | VI - Il linguaggio delle forme e dei colori

Lo spirituale nell'arte, 1910

L'uomo che non ha musica in se stesso
che l`armonia dei suoni non commuove
sa il tradimento, e la perfida frode.
Le sue emozioni sono una notte cupa
i suoi pensieri un Erebo nero.
Alla musica credi, non a lui.

Il suono musicale giunge direttamente all'anima. E vi trova subito un'eco, perché l'uomo "ha la musica in sé".

"Si sa che il giallo, l'arancione e il rosso ispirano e rappresentano un'idea di gioia, di ricchezza" (Delacroix).